Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A Proper Attitude Can Bring Success!

A Proper Mindset Can Bring Success!

Success begins with attitude. Various attitudes provide different end results. A weak state of mind results in adverse outcomes. A favorable state of mind causes success. While your experience, education, learning, and abilities can matter a great deal, your frame of mind can make all the distinction.

Thankfully, any individual can establish an attitude for success. It's absolutely less complicated and doesn't take as long as grasping a complicated technique!

Produce a way of thinking that develops success! Consider these parts in your attitude:

Thankfulness, aka gratitude. Be happy with what you have. Enjoy the success of others. If you cannot rejoice for others when they succeed, your very own success will undoubtedly be restricted.

Assessment of danger is an incentive. Competent individuals are masters at reviewing risk as well as benefit. Not so successful individuals either refuse to assess any kind of hazards or handle ways to mitigate the threat for the prospective incentive. Neither is an effective method to move towards a positive, successful life.

Concentrate on psychological, [and also] physical health and wellness. Compromising your health and wellness for success isn't a real success. What do you truly obtain if you accomplish your objectives yet compromise your physical or psychological health and wellness at the same time? Know the risks before going after success.

Wealth. How much you are worth is not a viable goal in a 'success' mindset. Just look around at people with plenty of money and lots of things, and you'll find most of them worry about losing it, acquiring it, how to hoard it and get more. Wealth is about nurturing contentment in relationships while doing the greater good. It's not taking, it's giving!

Embrace your failings! Actually, that's the momentum test of life. Failing is ensured to take place; count on it. Gain and be nurtured in your errors, mistakes, and blunders. Treat them as opportunities for yourself and others around you. Whatever you do, don't play the blame game. If you do that, you've just lost the momentum test in this situation. In weakness, you become stronger.

Development. A successful mindset is a healthy appreciation for self-learning; being teachable is a great way to pick up new skills. You cannot attain new ideas without expanding on an old thought in a unique situation. It could come from your abilities, perspective, self-control, or guts that sees that opportunity to develop. If you are presently stuck in a rut, relish it and feel confident; you are feeling the teachable growing pains zone.

Determine to be uneasy. Being in a comfort zone is definitely not your friend. Development isn't pleasurable. There will undoubtedly be some pain as you create your own paths, fall short, as well as making errors. Also, success can be unpleasant. Exactly how uneasy are you going to be to come to be effective? The fear of being uneasy is the restricting success aspect for the majority of people.

A favorable perspective. I call this a positive mental attitude, but before you can acquire that, you need to be relaxed and smart. So, how you approach the tasks of your day and the mundane things determines your success. If you're grumpy, bored, and aggravated, well, your day is going to be miserable. The other choice is to look at your day as a grand adventure. Each task and its function becomes a nugget of opportunity to be polished and nourished, providing an unimaginable wealth of greater good.

Preparation. Success for every individual is a specific objective. You're not likely to strike it on the first go-around or for that matter, several go-arounds. Without a particular plan in mind, preparation, and continually tweaking as you're arriving, you are counting way too much on good luck to sensibly anticipate success.

Be your own coach. The prevailing thought is to hire an advisor that has actually accomplished the success you want. There lies the rub. You have a unique idea; it can't be fitted into someone else's application. I cannot imagine the tech founders of the computer era having a coach; I think the computer would have been delayed by decades. Frankly, virtue is in the eye of the beholder. Embrace the challenge, be skillful, decisive, and don't stop nurturing forward.

Consider your existing attitude contrasted to the present outcomes you're experiencing in your life. Can you see an endless loop, or do you see a seamless link?

If you really feel that you have the abilities to be effective, yet still lose, it could be time to have a look at your state of mind. Each individual has a choice in their way of thinking. There are no conditions for having a pleasant state of consciousness; you can simply choose. Put your faith in yourself by choosing to be successful!!&id=10205659

Sunday, September 27, 2020

How to Realize Positive Change in Your Life

Our personal beliefs form the internal and external context of our lives. Beliefs are perhaps the most powerful force in the world. On a global scale, belief systems cause cultures to draw boundaries, ideologies to clash, and wars to be fought. On a personal level, what we believe to be true about ourselves and the world around us appears in our lives as our lives. To realize a change in our lives we must first change our beliefs, which is possible when we change the point of origination where the power of our beliefs manifests into our life, i.e. at the subconscious.

In my book, The Hidden Truth, I provided compelling evidence that nothing exists outside of a universal consciousness. This universal consciousness has an equivalence with light and energy, and we showed mathematically how everything in existence, both seen (i.e. mass) and unseen, is nothing but some form of that energy; a connected, flowing, unending, indestructible energy. Because the universal consciousness is also the universal energy and you are part of that consciousness, you can thus also tap into and use that universal energy as needed in your life. In fact, this happens whether you realize it or not because your subconscious is your connection to the universal consciousness and ensures you remain within a functioning representation of physical reality and thus remain focused on that physical reality as it unfolds into the life experiences you perceive everyday.

On a day-to-day basis, most Westerners don't think of or commune with our subconscious. However, when we realize the power that our subconscious has over the life that we live, we have no excuse for being dissatisfied with our life if we do not engage with the one means we have at our disposal to make a change in our lives for the better.

Think of the subconscious in very simplistic terms as a computer program. The subconscious runs routines in the background to create a life experience that meets the expectations of our beliefs. Thus, if you live your life with a closed mind and are not willing to examine or change your own beliefs, then you are stuck in the life you've got; like it or not.

The prototypical example is the comparison between an optimist and a pessimist. An optimist believes where there's a will there's a way, and with sufficient effort and persistence any challenge can be overcome. To a pessimist, nothing good comes from the world so why try. These are self-fulfilling prophesies because every life has challenges, thus proving the point of the pessimist, and every challenge will be overcome unto the point of our death, thus proving the point of the optimist. However, the strength of the underlying beliefs influences the frequency of perceived challenges and successes. Of further import however, the positive beliefs of an optimist provide an underlying strength for the optimist to seek improvement and solutions in his/her life, thus providing the optimist an edge on life.

Now, this was the simplest example of manifestation but does not explain how to implement change so you can benefit from the exercise of modified beliefs. There are three simple means everyone can utilize to take charge of the beliefs that rule their life and then change those beliefs to realize an improvement.

The first is through positive assertions. These can be statements, verbal or nonverbal (such as visualization boards or written assertions), that assert something will occur in your life. Persistence and belief is the key, followed by actions whenever possible to bring the assertion into your life. To help solidify the manifestation, whenever possible one should act as if the assertion has already been received and give thanks to God/Universal Consciousness for hearing and fulfilling your request. I and many others have written on this topic, so please refer to my many other articles in this blog for a more in-depth discussion on this point.

The second is through meditation. By meditating and silencing your conscious mind's incessant chatter inside your head, you allow your subconscious to come forward and instill inspiration - and even other-worldly experiences of communing with the Oneness - such that you realize how to overcome any life challenges that you may be facing. I wrote on this topic at length in my blog article, 'Receiving the Gift of Inspiration at Will.'

The subconscious can only bridge the brain-mind gap and commune with your conscious mind when your brain waves have been slowed (i.e. quieted) so that the frequencies of both match, and your brain thus becomes a working receiver, much like tuning a radio. When your conscious mind is active, talking and thinking, its frequencies are not compatible for communion with the subconscious. This doesn't mean the subconscious is inactive. No; your subconscious is constantly working in the background to keep your conscious mind firmly locked in and focused on physical reality. But if your intention is to commune with and influence how your subconscious works to create the experiences you will perceive in physical reality, then you have to modify your conscious mind's wavelengths to match the subconscious so they can share information across the brain-mind gap.

If meditation is too much trouble to accomplish the frequency match, the third means to commune with the subconscious is via therapeutic hypnosis. Hypnosis is not magic and indeed you don't even need another person to put yourself into a hypnotic state. Hypnosis is simply directed concentration coupled with deep relaxation and is a natural state of mind that everyone experiences a few times a day, such as when transitioning to and from sleep or even when daydreaming. The benefit of using a trained hypno-therapist to realize a specific goal is the therapist can help you accomplish the feat of entering the hypnotic state-of-mind more efficiently, and then lead the conversation with your subconscious for which your conscious mind intended. Amazing feats have been achieved through guided hypnotherapy to affect change in one's life using no other power than the power that the subconscious taps into to create the reality in which we live. Examples include loss of weight, the power to quit smoking, developing self confidence, and amazing health benefits such as overcoming chronic pain and even inexplicable cures from some of life's most devastating diseases like cancer.

Hypnotherapy is not a cure-all for life's ailments because some problems are intentional additions by our Over-Soul to introduce challenges into our life that we must face for some life purpose. Further, a single hypnotherapy session may not be enough to realize a permanent change in one's life because, again, you will manifest the life experiences that you believe you deserve. If you don't believe in the power of hypnotherapy then any temporary improvement from the session that is followed by a relapse will simply become another self-fulfilling prophesy. However, this doesn't mean that you can't change your beliefs and realize lasting improvements with multiple hypnotherapy sessions, but there must be an intention and real desire to change - through whichever means you use to effect change in your beliefs and subconscious - if lasting changes are ever to be realized in your life. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

How to Keep Things in Perspective

Do petty things bother and stress you? How about the bigger things? What can you do about them? Read on to find out.

Things like your child not having done homework or losing a duplicate key of your car may disturb you immensely. Keep them in a certain perspective that you will return to and handle them in the right way. Once you have done that, flow along during the day with cheerfulness at work.

How about the bigger things like your wife falling sick or the roof of your home having a bad leak? These things will have to be dealt with also. Take preliminary actions like taking your wife to the doctor or contacting a plumber to come and take a look at the roof leak. You cannot let these things ruin your whole day. You have taken action, and so rest in peace. The solutions are on the way, and you keep them in perspective, which may be easier said than done.

But try it - you may even share with a colleague at work and gradually focus on your work tasks for a good many hours and then take a leave an hour earlier to commit to your problems and make them look better for you.

The wife may be feeling better after an afternoon nap. The plumber will have looked at the leak and accordingly, he would tell you how much he would charge for fixing it. These are some of the ways to work out problems - big or small without taking in stress or pressure.

It may not always be your perspective that you have to rely on because if friends, colleagues or loved ones provide better perspectives, you are free to share those.

Your children are always clashing, arguing and fighting with each other while they are at home. Your wife suggests to buy them individual tablets and then by browsing over the web, they can be busy learning new stuff. It's her perspective but a good one that you cannot ignore in the modern day.

You will research on the web about children's tablets and if you find them at reasonable rates, yes, one of these days, you will buy them to stop and put an end to sibling rivalry.

Another instance could be an argument with your wife for using her car and for not refilling it with gas. It goes on for many days. You go grumpy to the office, and a kind colleague asks your problem. You confess to him everything. Well, your colleague helps you to understand that since you are borrowing your wife's car for errands, it is rightful of her to expect her car's gas tank to be refilled if you are the last person to use it for the day.

It is your colleague's perspective but can be an eye-opener for you. You understand how selfish you have been and would like to borrow your colleague's solution and apologize to your wife and make it a point that if you are the last person to use your wife's car for the day, you will definitely refill her gas tank. Peace prevails in the family.

Summing up, this is how you can deal with big or small matters keeping them in definite perspectives. They may be your own or shared by the good people in your life. Gotcha?

Monday, September 7, 2020

Life Interrupted: The Modern Living Challenge

You can't get anything done. You're always on the wrong side of every door. You struggle with issues of identity, love, and purpose. It makes sense that you feel this way. You are living in a "privileged" environment where freedom-of-choice and distraction make mince-meat of meaning with every ping, blip, and screen message issued. There's a Mississippian inflow of chatter coming at us through our latest, best, most engaging tech, and its tickling our neurons TO DEATH!

Beyond the technology proliferation explosion, modern life is marred by the rise of conspicuous and excessive consumption, political and religious polarization, mass-migration, the divorce epidemic, and a host of other psychologically draining developments. With so much social upheaval one could easily postulate that things are going especially poorly for the society of humankind these days. A quick examination of the history of humankind, however, will refresh the memory and that people never get a break, but that doesn't qualify as comfort anyway. Boo!

Not everyone who seems to have ADHD has ADHD. Many people just have a harder time focusing because they're creative, intelligent, competitive, and have a BRAND NEW SMARTPHONE, SOCIAL MEDIA APP, ONLINE ROMANTIC INTEREST, AND THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS! Bounding thoughts and interests coupled with the demands of an online business universe make it neigh impossible to avoid thinking with one's thumbs. The dopamine released with every fresh screen-swipe is addictive, and the swipe-habit has burrowed itself deep into society's every activity. Studies indicate that this deluge of stimuli and perpetual disruption of one's focused attention likely does affect the brain. The stress hormone, Cortisol, for example, damages the hippocampus, the part of the brain that regulates memory and our emotions.

There's hope, though. Here are a few activities shown to reduce stress on the mind associated with tech-overuse induced stress:

-Take a walk in nature. Slow, meditative walks in quiet, safe surroundings help regulate the sympathetic nervous system.

-Read a physical book. Reading from a tablet is potentially fine too, just try not to complete sudoku in a second window simultaneously. Allow yourself the pleasure of being engrossed in an idea or a story without judgement or distraction.

-Unplug your external hard-drive. The smartphone that does so much work for you won't quit driving you to work and obsess as long as you are holding it. Take a tech time-out every day for a couple hours. Some wise people unplug for one day out of every week.

-Dance, darn you! Taking up an activity that is physically and mentally engaging and requires a bit of balance is so helpful to one's brain. Tango and Irish Step Dancing have proven beneficial to Parkinson's patients. Dance for your neuroplasticity!

With all the stressors we encounter in our day-to-day lives, we search for big solutions. I have only a handful of simple-solutions to suggest, but I do believe small changes can make a big difference. There are many good ways to unwind. I wish you all the best in your journey. 

Sunday, September 6, 2020

How Are You Influenced and Motivated?

 Negative motivators are those influences that drive us to certain and specific actions; based on a fear of some kind and maybe dislike of a certain outcome. The negative motivator may even be related an apprehension around the result; of the outcome which our inaction, or failure to undertake a specific task or fulfill an obligation; generates.

Positive motivators on the others side of the equation are those influencers which hold a desirable image, emotion or effect in our minds or habit nature.

These are interactions we know that, when completed successfully will add value to the quality of our lives, may even enhance our current situations, bring about a wonderful effect to our circumstances, or even progress us in one way or another.

These positive motivators also are borne of the understanding that when completed they will bring a better harmony, a peaceful effect to the environment, workplace or home... where we find ourselves investing in productive endeavor.

Know What Effects The Difference

The primary difference between how we perceive the difference between the two motivator categories is our freedom of choice.

Where we have negative experiences manifesting from specific actions such as, a loss, being reprimanded, receiving criticism or even a sense of discord within ourselves. We mentally and emotionally create an automatic associate between our actions and those negative connotations; and therefore, the outcome of these effects become negative motivators.

In this regard there may even be certain actions or undertakings that we really enjoyed doing; however, after repeated criticism, perhaps being mocked by the uninformed, or even receiving a reprimand, we lose our enthusiasm or joy derived and we begin to categorize these as negative.

However, with positive motivators these are thoughts, ideas, desires that let us to place ourselves above the pessimistic viewpoints of the average, beyond our current reality into a state that is future focused on the benefits and abundance attached to the enthusiastic completion of said action.

What we begin to understand is that in fact the primary difference between the two motivator categories is that it is actually our own personal approach to the specific action: our perception, our energy, our enthusiasm, our thoughts, our feelings... OUR ATTITUDE; which will decide the key differences between how the two opposite motivators influence and affect us moving forward.

A fundamental understanding that we need to resonate with, a key success minded attitude we need to adopt is: knowing that everything we do, every action we take, every thought we allow to enter our minds has the capacity to take us closer towards our desired outcomes or take us further than we had previously envisaged!

Maximizing Your Potential

'Efficient Action' and 'Acting in the Certain Way' as articulated by Wallace D Wattles in his book The Science of Getting Rich, educates us in the understanding that everything has purpose and a potential attached to it, and we need to grow out of our current situation by completing everything we do in a certain way... i.e. as a positive motivator!

This may prove to be a highly challenging prospect which leads us into conflict with our existing paradigm. Nonetheless when we begin to internalize our focus on where we are and where we are progressing to, aligned with the potential we have within us waiting to be expressed, then the influences of others or the feared outcomes do not have a bearing in our applications or responsibility.

What Choices Are Making?

So, as we continue to re-assess every action as one that will grow us, we experience an emotional and mental evolution that perpetuates like effects and like results! The ongoing perpetuation of the good allows us a resilience to reject what we do not want and a continued focus on what we do want!

So, what we close with, when we are increasing our understanding of what our specific motivators are, is that our freedom of choice will in fact decide what class any future exchanges will fall into. Our freedom of choice is a phenomenal gift that is given to us free at birth, but it is also one we give up too freely and too readily!

A simple story that illustrates this is the parable of the talents as related to us in the bible [Matthew 25:14-30].

When we assess this parable, we see that the key difference in the approaches discussed.

The fear of punishment, the fear of loss, the fear of failure and the fear of reprimand led to inaction which in turn resulted in a negative result as well as the manifestation of all the fears; for the one servant. Yet, on the opposite end of the spectrum the servants that took their responsibility seriously with a positive motivator reaped their own specific rewards.

In the case of all three... they all had the potential for the same consequences and in the instance of two of them there was a risk of greater loss therefore more severe consequences.

Let us choose to take action in an efficient and certain way so that our gifts increase through action taken with positive motivation!

At invincible mind, we believe in the unlimited potential of the mind and are striving to share the life-changing effects of a renewed mind! 

Saturday, September 5, 2020

How to Use Resilience to Create a Better World

Resilience is that enigmatic quality we all seek when life gets rocky; it is the quality that allows us to dig deep, find renewed courage and face our biggest fears so we can tame our dragons and emerge unscathed at the other end of turbulent times.

Radical resilience offers us that hidden ability during crisis to get back up, dust ourselves off and generate a new vision for our lives at every level.

Genuine resilience has nothing to do with claims of invincibility, superiority or willpower; rather, it depends on our willingness to be vulnerable and stand firm at the very times when we don´t know the next step.

In spiritual terms, resiliency involves the commitment to awaken further during times of setback instead of shutting down, and that awakening leads to growth in wisdom and faith.

Charles Dickens´ classic novel A Tale of Two Cities, opens with these lines:

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair... we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way... "

These words could well be used to describe current times instead of the French Revolution era almost 250 years ago that Dickens described! It tells about a time of chaos, conflict and despair; a time of controversies and contradictions, as well as happiness.

Still today, these challenges are inherent in life and thus continue. Life is filled with difficulties and triumphs, obstacles and opportunities.

Humanity is in the midst of a resurgent pandemic, suffering from a lack of leadership and facing the threat of economic collapse. We are caught up in civic uprisings and struggles against racial and social injustice worldwide. Beyond these immediate threats, we´re still facing a global climate crisis that makes the rest of our actions look like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Because all things are interconnected, the transformation we yearn for involves not a single change, but a cascade of complex changes. The way we approach these changes, could ultimately lead to global destruction or a genuine transformation of the world as we´ve known it.

The critical choices and responsibilities are ours.

We are being called to a greater sense of meaning and purpose in our lives. Effective choices and actions must come from a deeper level of understanding. We are called on to embark on a collective rite of passage to transform old beliefs and find new ways to orient our lives despite radical uncertainty and rapid change.

The pressure caused by continuing, rapid, major crises reveals hidden fault lines, great inequities and painful injustices in all areas of our lives. It is calling us to respond with more than simple survival: long-term resilience requires that we respond in the midst of crisis with genuine inner change on a personal level, so we can merge our purified vision with others` to transform society from the bottom up.

Resilience is a hard-earned quality. It is not developed by a life of comfort, ease and safety, despite what the ego would have us believe. Only when faced with obstacles, stress, and external threat does resilience develop. Psychological studies show that children who do not face adversity early in life tend to lack a capacity for resiliency. As the old proverb goes, "Smooth seas make bad sailors."

Resiliency can be developed by facing difficult times with faith and courage. It does not matter how many setbacks we face, or how many failures we experience, what matters is how we respond to challenges.

The soul is the only aspect of a person that cannot be overwhelmed. It is the seat and living source of human resilience.

We deepen our resilience by responding from the soul, and not the ego. Whereas the ego screams for revenge, the soul takes inventory and accepts humble responsibility for its own part in the unfolding picture. Instead of stirring up more turmoil, it forgives the wrongs. In so doing, it neutralizes the escalation of hatred and anger by extending forgiveness and compassion.

No matter how dark the night, the soul can find salient aspects to help the human soul awaken further. There is much that we can do to support this process.

We are in a collective rite of passage, a rare state of transition that can transform the nature of societies worldwide. If we can hold a vision for the emergence of a more inclusive humanity, we can find ways to navigate the rough terrain from here to there. Meanwhile, we need to embrace the unifying moments of community that appear in the midst of conflict, participating in these moments as part of the collective healing process where we agree to protect and care for one another.

In these troubled times, we can also draw closer to like-minded souls who share this greater vision. Our soul tribe may span the globe and all timelines past, present and future. We can find comfort in nature and in our animal companions. And we can draw from the well of Spirit to renew our faith so we can hold that vision for the world we wish to create, standing strong, brave and unwavering in the face of the demolition of the old. We can tend the sacred spark of our inner lives to embody a more soulful presence in this world.

Ultimately, it is the awakened soul that rises above isolation and despair. By nurturing this awakened state in ourselves and others, we will find the strength to hold onto that higher collective vision and to do our part toward its fulfillment. In fact, it is our sacred duty to support and serve the sparks of holiness we find others and in the world.

The light that burns in us is also the light that dwells in others; it is the hidden light at the center of all things. When the inner light of soul awakens from within, it enlivens things in the world around us as well. That is how things change, from the inside out; from the soul to the world. The radical resilience of the awakened heart can hold a vision of greater inclusiveness to spur us on toward acts of courage and forgiveness, leading us toward the creation of a better world.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Five Levels of Deep Habit And Behavior Change

 We develop patterns, which we call habits.

They're like being bundled up in warm blankets with soft pillows on a cold morning; comforting, supportive, relaxing. Who would want to willingly change that? Continuing the metaphor, it can feel like moving to a sleeping bed on a hard floor, no air mattress, and the heater isn't working.

Since we are in a period of paradigm-shifting, life-altering, stress-inducing, overwhelming change, I thought it might be helpful to understand why it's so difficult to get new habits to stick.

Firstly, remind thyself that all change is spawned of fear, force, or pain.

No one wakes up thinking, "I love my life! Let me see how I can change it." We change because we see no alternative and because the "old system" wasn't cutting it anymore. Maybe times are different. Maybe we're different. But something must adjust, and sadly it's us. Being inspired to change by "negative" feelings also automatically puts us at a disadvantage as we're not thinking clearly to begin with.

To that end, know that there are actually five levels we must tweak, each deeper than the one prior if we're going to make our sleeping bag become a cushy, fluffy bed.

The simplest, easiest adjustment is Environment; defined as that which "I see."

Let's say you've decided to be socially responsible and be concerned with the greater good by wearing a facemask. However, each time you leave the house, you forget your mask. An example of Environment change could be relocating your mask to a hook by the front door. Now, it will prompt you to wear it. Simple. Easy.

But it might not stay with you if you don't change the next level: Behaviors, that which "I do." If I don't modify those, my Environment reverts to unsupportive.

Continuing with our illustration, upon returning home, you remove your mask and put it in the washing machine. That makes sense, but that behavior means that when you leave, Environment is no longer provoking you to wear a mask. Consequently, a Behavior change must take place, such as obtaining a few masks and placing them all at the front door, plus remembering to hang cleaned masks there when you finish the laundry. This alleviates the difficulty of "forgetting" to wear one.

"But, I can't keep remembering to put masks all around my house," you might reply. Welcome to level three: Capabilities, that which you "can" or "cannot" do.

Your perceived - and that's the operative word - Capabilities determine which Behaviors will stick or fade.

If your internal dialog is, "I don't have time to do this," or "I have too much else to do," you'll give up new Behaviors, putting you back to square one.

Capabilities are born of Beliefs, level four. Beliefs, despite appearing as facts to us, are really not.

They are feelings. They are not true for all but are to us. Continuing in our mask saga, if my Belief is that "masks are unnecessary and a pain in the behind" (um, poor choice of body parts for masks but you get my drift... ), then you will consider it unimportant and pointless to amend your Capabilities to reinforce that you can indeed managing a couple masks. Resultingly, new Behaviors fade, Environment becomes unsupportive, old habits returns. If my Belief changes to "I feel it's important to wear a mask, no matter how awkward," Capabilities shift, producing a positive domino effect.

With only a few hundred words, I can't really delve deep into the concept of Beliefs, as there are so many extenuating conditions that affect them. \

However, the Universal Truth they have in common is that they are the outgrowth of the deepest level, Identity, those words following "I am... "

We possess multiple Identities in which we adorn ourselves, depending on conditions. For example, my Identity of "Romantic" is certainly welcome and appropriate when it's my wife, yet would be out of line with my co-worker. Identities, like outfits, adjust to the settings in which we find ourselves. Rounding out the now over worn mask tale, if my Identity is "I am too busy to deal with this," my Belief might be "this is ridiculous;" yet again collapse the dominos. Should I alter my Identity to "I am socially responsible and concerned about spreading the virus," then Beliefs correct to "I feel it's important to figure out a way to do this." My Capabilities will now line up that empowerment. Behaviors adapt. Environment adjusts. New habit locks in.

Whether talking about pandemics, weight loss, productivity, or personal relationships, the pattern remains the same.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Do What Challenges You, Not What Makes You Happy

Happiness Is A By-Product Of Improved Self-Esteem

I'd like to push you outside your comfort zone, if you are willing to take the test? OK, let us start with a question: Are you happy right now? If not, what is the cause of your unhappiness? You might not know and that's fine, but how will you recognise happiness if you cannot distinguish being unhappy? This is not about blame or judgement, but you consented to be pushed outside your comfort zone. Shall we go on? Do you make an attempt to step outside your comfort zone often? Do you challenge yourself regularly? Some people push themselves by challenging their body, through gruelling sporting endeavours. But they may experience little or no personal growth because they become thrill-seeking junkies.

If it's happiness we seek, we ought to do what challenges us, not what makes us happy. Let me explain what I mean. If we pursue happiness without personal improvement, it is likely to be short lived. However, if we pursue personal growth, then happiness is a by-product of improved self-esteem. It requires developing self-confidence and resiliency, which enhances our self-esteem. Are you with me so far? Can you see how trying to chase happiness alone is unrealistic because there is no foundation for it to last? It is similar to pursuing wild adventures, hoping each one will be better than the next. We become addicted to the thrill ride, but rarely experience lasting happiness.

Those we consider successful, whether leaders in our community or others, spend years nurturing their personal growth. They are happy because their consciousness has expanded to encompass their positive character traits. When we pursue actions that reinforce our self-worth, then happiness is likely to be long lasting. For example, think about when you graduated from university or received a job promotion. I'm certain you experienced a sense of achievement and greater self-esteem, given your dedication to your study or career. The reward becomes evident in your commitment to improve the quality of your life.

Choose What Pushes You, Not What Makes You Happy

As we enhance our personal growth, our level of happiness grows in proportion. Have you noticed those who feel unappreciated are constantly miserable or complaining about the state of the world? They feel as though life is beating down upon them, instead of assuming control of their own life. Don't become one of those people because life is not about playing victim, since we have more power than we recognise. Yes, we will make mistakes and experience failures and setbacks. Yes, challenges are sewn into the fabric of life, to enhance our self-esteem, not crush it. Therefore, we have a choice: we can choose to grow relative to our problems, or retreat into despair. But if we choose the latter, we are certain of a life filled with misery and discontent.

I'm certain you don't want to be that person? I'm sensing, if you've read this far, you value your personal growth and want to improve your life. The key, is to keep moving forward, even in the face of adversity and difficulties. We must get up when we encounter defeat since we gain wisdom, fortitude and inner resilience, to overcome our challenges. For example, in my 20s, life was smooth sailing. However, in my 30s, challenges were more prominent and instead of cowering in defeat, I walked towards them with a strong conviction to grow from my experiences. I've encountered a great deal of pain, heartache and obstacles throughout my life, but I've experienced immense personal growth and hence why I am able to share this wisdom with others.

So, I invite you to choose what pushes you, not what makes you happy because you may be happy now, but miserable in the long run. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, instead of running from it, lean into it. You may find it is more than you can tolerate and that's okay. Trust that you will grow in proportion to your challenges, as long as you don't give up on yourself. Trust, you have the capacity to overcome difficult problems. Trust, you will gain sufficient growth to expand your consciousness beyond your current state. Knowing this, I'd like you to spend 15 minutes examining your current challenges. See if you can notice what they're inviting you to learn about yourself? Is it: patience, understanding, self-reliance, resiliency, courage, etc.? It is when we learn to dance with life, that the song we sing will be expressed through our setbacks and challenges.,-Not-What-Makes-You-Happy&id=10342372

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

10 Reasons Why Honesty Is Important to Be Successful

You want the people with whom you come into contact to accurately think of you as being an honest person. Anything less is unacceptable if you want to be successful in all aspects of your life.

If you are dishonest everyone with whom you come into contact (friends, relatives, employers and others) will ignore or dismiss everything you say and do as being false and unreliable. Who can build and achieve what they want with such a character flaw? The answer is obvious.

Following is a brief list of reasons why honesty, as a character trait, is so important:

1. You would be considered untrustworthy and your chances of getting the job you want is severely limited if you are dishonest. Employers can't afford to hire people who are less than honest. Employees who are found to be deceitful are destined to be fired.

2. Many times, untruthfulness or dishonesty is unlawful. Lying could land you in jail or facing fines. The same is true when applying for a loan, reporting sales tax or supplying information for a loan.

3. Being known as a person who misrepresents the truth is a perception that is hard to reverse. Trustworthy behavior on the part of an individual is highly valued by our society.

4. Your potential to achieve success in all aspects of your life is severely limited if dishonesty is part of your character. You would limit your opportunities. Others would maintain their distance from you.

5. Being less than honest can and will be hurtful to others and cause great pain to loved ones. Your personal relationships would be either harmed or destroyed.

6. Others are inclined to describe or recommend you as a dependable individual who can be trusted when you are consistently authentic. Your words carry greater weight, as you are known to be a person who tells the truth. Your chances of advancement and credibility are enhanced.

7. Being deceitful with others naturally lowers your self-esteem and requires energy for you to maintain the false appearance of authenticity. Some people suggest that promoting falsehoods could actually be harmful to your physical and emotional health.

8. You will suffer a lack of respect from a poor reputation. Others will avoid contact with you personally and professionally.

9. Your chances of being able to improve your life (financially and socially) will be severely limited. People who are known for misrepresenting facts and being disingenuous are avoided.

10. Your bearing false witness is harmful to society in general. A misleading behavior by an individual can actually have far reaching ripple effects on society.

Any aspirations you might have are hampered by a lack of honesty.

Choosing to cultivate honesty as one of your characters traits is a necessity if you want to be successful in life. So is your reputation and emotional well being.

Many people go through life wondering why circumstances fail to break their way. Frequently it's his or her character flaw, such as lying, or limits a chance for success.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Three Steps to Inner Growth

Inner growth is defined as many things: life lessons, wisdom, knowledge, and evolution, to name a few.

It's typically acquired as a result of life experiences, and usually those particular experiences aren't very pleasant. Humans seem to be wired to learn through pain, which I guess makes a lot of sense when you think about it. After all, if everything was hunky dorey all the time and we felt good about all aspects of our life, why would we want to take a chance on ruining all that just to learn something?

Although inner growth occurs along a path, that path is rarely steady, even, or straight. However, it almost always consists of three main steps:

1. Awareness of the issue. Typically this awareness comes as a result of an uncomfortableness you feel when something's not working for you in your life. Most often this is something that causes you emotional pain rather than physical, although it could be both.

2. Gathering information about the issue. So, what happened to cause this new awareness? What exactly isn't working for you and how isn't it working? How can it be corrected? Those are just a few of the important questions you need to ask at this step. As you delve deeper into the issue, more questions will arise, some of which may surprise you.

3. Applying the information to the issue. This is the reward. This is where you get to see how well you've learned about the subject you chose to experience. This is the feel-good part of inner growth.

Let's use an example. Say, something like you got fired from your job.

1. Awareness. Well, that's pretty obvious. You don't have a job any more.

2. Gathering information. Why did you get fired? Was it something you were or were not doing? Is it personal or universal? If it's personal, what do you need to change about how you do your work or interact with your co-workers? If it's universal, such as an economic slowdown, what do you need to do to make yourself more valuable to an employer? These questions and others like them will garner you the information you need to continue on to the next and final step.

3. Applying the information. Make a list of the answers you came up with in Step 2 and use that information to create a to-do list. Maybe some of the changes you'll make are learning better communications skills, changing your work habits, improving your personal hygiene, taking classes to add to your working knowledge.

Of course, this applies to ALL inner growth, from the mundane such as the example of losing one's job, to the esoteric, such as emotional and spiritual growth.

Breaking down the learning experience into these three steps is like eating a ton of applesauce. It's a lot easier and less stressful when you do it one small bit at a time.

Aside from the inner growth and valuable insights and information you'll acquire, another benefit for you is that as you identify the step where you are in the process, you gain the satisfying knowledge that you're making progress.

What current learning opportunity are you experiencing? What are you learning about it? Which step are you at with your learning regarding the issue?

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Most Important of All Human Qualities Is a Sense of Hope

 It's interesting to observe that some people fray under the pressure of experience, but eventually learn they're called to mend their life along the way, whereas for others this experience is not liberating. Like Humpty Dumpty, they have a great fall and apparently are unable to learn new things or to unlearn old ones. Consequently, to be a human being is, one wonders, to find the nectar available to us in our own journey. But lots of people pretend that they already know everything they need to know.

It is really incredible that in this day and age human beings remain as foolish as ever they were. Meanwhile, let's remember that the apostle Paul warned us, "be transformed by the renewing of your mind" (Rm. 12:2). He thought about our interior life. I do believe that the most important task in our lives is to make connections, that is, to make relations. Would there be another way to learn?

We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest days to be acquisitive. No doubt, this materialistic outlook has seriously influenced our education. The other day, someone told me with sadness, "the only thing people are interested in today is earning more money." It seems that Mammon is worshipped as never before.

We have the task to live a good life without excuses. Although the moral implication of the attitudes of modern man is daunting, this should not dilute, or block, our search for companions for our journey. It is we who are responsible after all. So, it's foolish to blame others for our failures. The most important of all human qualities is a sense of hope. A sense of hope may take various forms, but the effect is always the same. It's only natural for healthy beings to look forward to something better.

Do you remember the Lilliputians and their neighbors attack each other because they couldn't agree which end to break an egg? Maybe aren't we all living like that? This is one of the chief functions of satire and irony. They enable us to see that many of our actions are comic or absurd. We are always reminded by good mentors that a happy and fulfilling life is not really far removed from ourselves.

The sense of hope must be single out as man's most important quality because it is associated with life itself. There's no future for human beings without hope. 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Secrets To Prosperity - Cultivate A Millionaire Mindset

 The secret to prosperity lies in how you have programmed your thoughts. When you cannot control your mind, you will just move further away from cultivating a millionaire mindset. It is the effort that you put in not only today, but in a consistent manner that will reflect your future results.

We tend to send thoughts to the Universe requesting for change and financial freedom, but we do not know how to adequately use our mind power to receive the appropriate positive messages in return.

In order to control your mind power you need to effectively do the following:

1. Control your thoughts and not be distracted by trivialities

2. Change your daily habits from negative to positive, and stick to it.

3. Only talk about positive matters, because you ultimately become what you think.

Observe what you are talking about the whole day and question whether it includes mostly positive things that give you happiness.

To become a prosperous and successful person, you need to observe and learn from successful people. Read their life history, feel like one and behave like one. You must be able to visualize your future and be able to see your future with you to as a successful person.

Can you visualize yourself as a successful businessman and a millionaire in future? Can you make yourself feel like a millionaire? You should be able to see your future and dispel the notion that we are normally fearful of our future. We far too often visualize our future in negative forms rather than that of being a millionaire.

It is being said that a vibration is created, and the wealth energy takes over when you practice visualizing yourself as a millionaire often. The actual process of you becoming a millionaire will then be accelerated. This is based on the fact that your mind attains power through your thought waves, habits, and visualization. It is possible for you to achieve whatever you want through your mind power.

The very best practice will be to control your mind in the present moment without thinking of the future or the past. This mind power can be used to achieve financial freedom and whatever else you want to target. And free yourself from unnecessary negative thoughts. The key is to practice and implement less thoughts and much more action.

Handle your mind correctly

Psychology experts have determined that your mind is actually neutral, and it depends how you use it. It is actually you as a person who cause your mind to react negatively through your unnecessary negative thoughts and negative behaviours. Under most circumstances, your mind can be your best friend, but at times and it can also be your worst enemy. This negative relationship is often caused by stress that not only brings along discomfort but other diseases as well.

You need to control your mind to avoid stress. It is normally said that diseases are caused due to either incorrect food, or a bad environment but the actual fact is that your thought waves control more than what you might think.

Clear your negative thoughts and you will get a big boost on your way to cultivating a millionaire mindset. One of the easiest ways to manage your mind will be to practice meditation and positive affirmations about being a millionaire. When you can manage your mind, it will be easier to go to the next level of prosperity.

Still looking for Secrets to Prosperity? Stop being misled by crooks who know nothing about Cultivating A Millionaire Mindset. Simply go to This site will give you the plain facts on proven Mind-Hacks of the Rich and Famous and get you on the path to prosperity soonest.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Unique Magic That Can Be Created By Immense Mind Power

Power is a phenomenon that cannot be seen but obviously felt in all aspects of common life. Literarily, power means the ability or strength of doing anything or forcing others to act according to one's will. It is basically poles apart from the definition of the word 'Power' in Physics. Yet there is a common connection between the strength and electrical power, as both can occur lots of visible changes in various fields.

Different categories of power experienced in life

If a person is physically very strong, he/she can be relied as powerful enough to carry on laborious tasks that demand enormous strength. Someone may have political power, which means he/she is able to gain control over other people politically. Monetary power enables people to spend large amounts of money to fulfill their wishes. Rarely, a few people may also possess divine power, with which they may be able to foresee the future of other people and alert them about upcoming dangers. However, mind power is something that is independent of all social and economic circumstances, which depends only on the willpower of a person.

Good and adverse effects of various types of power

All types of power can show both positive and negative effects, based on how that power is utilized. If power is used correctly, it can prove to be a boon for everyone while misuse of power can lead to seriously harmful consequences. It is not at all unethical to be powerful but the question is how that power is utilized. Often it is seen that people abuse their powers and cause a lot of harm to other people. There are numerous instances of abusing physical, political, and economic power that caused massive destruction in society. All the famous wars in history were the result of the misuse of political and military powers of over-ambitious statesmen. People even cause harm to themselves if they lose their minds basking in their powers. Usually, financially rich people feel themselves to be more powerful than all poorer persons, who cannot afford the luxuries in life that they can buy with money. On the other hand, many politically or socially powerful people abuse their powers to collect money unethically and become wealthier in life. Powerless people often suffer from an inferiority complex, due to the absence of any form of power in their life. This mentality can create further problems for them and some even adopt suicidal thoughts! Hence, the unequal distribution of all powers is mostly harmful to mankind, leading to lots of troubles everywhere. Some people feel that they should become powerful by hook or crook, not caring whether their adopted ways to power are lawful or not.

Wonderful benefits of mental power

Mental power or willpower is something that no one can snatch from a person while all other types of power can be lost at some point of time or the other. In many ancient scriptures, different uses of great mind power had been mentioned. Yogis were believed to attain immense mind power, which they used only for the good of mankind. Many religious leaders had preached the importance of mind power and asked common people to learn to train up their minds. There are a number of factors included in mind power, among which self-awareness is the most important one. A person should have a clear vision about the motto of his/her life or in simpler words, what he/she actually wants to achieve in life and whether it is right to nurture that wish. Life always presents numerous problems in the way of a person, which need to be overcome only with the self-confidence and faith. There are solutions to all problems, which can be easily found out only with a calm spirit. The strong willpower of a person can make apparently impossible things to be possible, only through earnest desire and hard work for achieving that goal.

Personally, I do not possess that high level of mind power yet, but I am working hard in improving my willpower and other mental strengths. Mindpower is not the same as the cognitive power that is a physical matter and may decrease at a ripe age. Hence, I believe that I can achieve the required mind power by following the instructions rendered by great personalities. Self-consciousness and self-control of mind are the pillars of mind power. So it is possible to attain this power only through regular discipline, as an undisciplined person cannot gain control over his/her own mind. The achievements of all other powers become easier by gaining mind power.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Finding Motivation - How to Find What Motivates You

Ever notice what motivates you? Motivation could come from many of your activities which you didn't give much thought before. In fact, it could be the answer to your limitless abundance, saying goodbye to money-related problems. This article will help you trace it and achieve it. Read on.

The source of your motivation will be ingrained in you. You jump up at the thought of it and can't wait to start it. You can't stop when you are doing it and when you are done with it, you can't help admiring it, feeling a deep sense of content and satisfaction.

Motivation could be about writing fiction/nonfiction books, music - singing and/or playing a musical instrument, painting portraits and/or natural sceneries, teaching, educating others and sharing your knowledge, playing a sport you like such as soccer, tennis or swimming, cooking a variety of dishes and compiling their recipes, and the list goes on.

Guess what earning money by doing what motivates you is a plus. You will not think of it as work and will always feel inspired to do it and enjoy your time doing it and at the end, earn good money from it.

You could even do a seminar/webinar about it reaching out to more people, helping others to find what inspires them and monetize it, earning a living as well.

You could passionately write books on them, reaching out across the globe not only gaining popularity but also helping the young and old alike to find out what it is they love to do and the steps they should carry out to make it the source of their living.

Imagine what would happen if each and every person on this earth were doing what they were excited about and also earning money from it - naturally the global economy would rise and no one had to leave jobs or get laid off unless because of other circumstantial problems, which could be worked out as well.

Doing the very stuff you love to do and also making a living from it will gradually help you to tap into limitless abundance and prosperity, and you will never have to worry about money problems again.

So the next time, when you are thinking about a career or business, put your creative mind at play, try to figure out what makes you jump up at the thought of doing something, then start doing it and step-by-step monetize it as well so that you never have to work another day again. Sounds good?

Rosina S Khan has authored this article. For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories and academic guides, amazing self-help eBooks, articles and blogs, all authored by her, and much more, visit: You will be glad that you did.

Alternatively, for a different layout of free resources, visit: You won't be disappointed and remember to like her Facebook page.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Repetition Compulsion: Why Do We Repeat The Past?

Although someone may realise that they are experiencing the same scenarios over and over again, there is also the chance that they won't. If they are, it could seem strange as to why this keeps happening.

What they may conclude, after reflecting on what is taking place, is that they have no control over their life. Someone or something 'out there' could be seen as being in control.

The Same Old Story

When it comes to what continually takes place, someone could find that they keep ending up with the same type of person. This could be someone who is abusive or emotionally unavailable, for instance.

They may find that this has taken place for as long as they can remember; it may even seem as though their life will always be this way. If they feel hopeless, it could be said that it won't be much of a surprise.

Another Experience

If, on the other hand, someone is not aware of the fact that they keep experiencing the same scenarios over and over again, it will be just as frustrating. The difference is that they won't have taken a step back and reflected on what is taking place.

What this may illustrate is that they are an 'emotional' person, which has prevented them from seeing the big picture. Through being focused on the trees, it won't have allowed them to see the forest, so to speak.

A Mystery

In both of these cases, someone won't understand why their life is the way that it is. However, while it may seem as though they are not playing a part in what is going on, this is unlikely to be the case.

But, for them to understand what is going on, it is likely that they will need to take a deeper look within themselves. For the answers that they seek are likely to be found in their body, not their mind.

Connecting the Dots

If they were able to remember what took place during their early years, what they may find is that their adult life is very similar; similar when it comes to what their relationships are like, and perhaps, many other areas, too. Therefore, many, many years will have passed, but there will be a lot that hasn't have changed.

At this point, it would be clear that time alone is not enough to heal what happened; something else needs to take place in order to liberate them from the past. Nonetheless, why would they repeat what happened if it not serving them?

A Deeper Look

Undoubtedly, they would have suffered all those years ago and they will continue to suffer to this day. On the surface, it can seem as if they are a victim and that they are not playing a part in what is going on.

To understand why they would repeat something that is not benefiting them, it will be necessary to take a look at a defence mechanism known as 'repetition compulsion'. When this defence is being utilized, someone will end up recreating something that had a big effect on them.

The Reason

Like all defence mechanisms, this will be in place to stop them from experiencing pain. This can be hard to accept, considering that this defence is not stopping them from endlessly experiencing the same painful scenarios.

They are still experiencing pain, this is true; nevertheless, the pain that they experience is likely to be less severe than the pain that exists at a deeper level. Thus, if they were to accept that what took place is over and that their developmental needs are not going to be met, they would probably experience even more pain.

Another Part

Additionally, what took place will have been painful but it will also be classed as what is familiar to their ego-mind. And, to this part of them, what is familiar is what is classed as what is safe.

This part of them doesn't care if something is healthy or unhealthy; it only cares about if it is familiar. For their life to change, then, there are at least two things that will need to take place.

Diving In

The pain that they are avoiding, by playing out the same scenarios, will need to be faced. If this pain is not acknowledged and worked through, they will be compelled to experience life in the same way.

By doing this, what their ego-mind associates as what is safe will gradually begin to change. Naturally, if they have a lot of pain/trauma locked inside their body, this is not going to happen overnight.


If one can relate to this, and they are ready to change their life, they may need to reach out for external support. This is something that can be provided by the assistance of a therapist or healer.

Through having external support, one will be able to go where they wouldn't go by themselves. This person will hold the space until they are able to hold the space for themselves.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, four hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

To find out more go to -

The Dark Side of Self Improvement | Suzanne Eder | TEDxWilmington

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix | Tasha Eurich | TEDxMileHigh

Developing Self-Belief Doesn't Happen Overnight

If someone is in a position where they lack self-belief, they may look into what they can do to develop it. Then again, they could merely put up with what is taking place and do their best to carry on as normal.

The reason for this is that they may believe that there is nothing that they can do about what is going on. Through having this outlook, they are not going to be able to transform their life.

Reaching Out

If someone does look into what they can do to develop self-belief, there is the chance that they will want to develop it as soon as possible. This could show that they have been this way for a very long time and are not willing to put up with how they experience life for any longer.

Alternatively, it could show that they find it hard to be patient, having a strong need to experience instant gratification. As a result of this, if they come across a book or a course that promises to change their life in a very short period of time, they might not hesitate to invest in it.

One Direction

After taking this step, they may find that their self-doubt starts to disappear and their self-belief rapidly increases. One could then find that as soon as they get an idea, it isn't long until they take the first step.

Not only will they see themselves as being capable of achieving something but they will know that they will be able to handle any setbacks that arise. Quite simply, being this way will allow them to be their own best friend as opposed to their own worst enemy.

Another Experience

If one was to take this route, they may find that they don't go from having very little self-belief to being full of self-belief in a short period of time. They may find that this is something that takes time.

This could be the case if they try something that promises to transform their life overnight or if they try another approach altogether. It will then be important for them to patient and persistent.

Being Realistic

Having a balanced outlook will make it easier for them to take the steps that they need to take to move forward and to not expect too much too soon. There can be moments when they are full of self-belief and moments when they struggle to find the strength within them, but they won't give up on themselves.

What they could also do to stay on the right track and to build up their self-belief is to find someone who believes in them. The support that is provided by someone like this will gradually be internalised, allowing one to develop self-belief even faster than they would otherwise.

Final Thoughts

What this illustrates is how important external support is when it comes to making progress in life. If one tries to do everything by themselves, their life is going to be far harder than it needs to be.

Reaching out for support is the sensible thing to do; it is not a sign that one is weak or incapable. Further, realising that self-belief is something that takes time to develop and is not something that is developed in a weekend or a week will save one from suffering unnecessarily.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, four hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

To find out more go to -

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

You Are That Which You Seek

When I first got on 'the path' in 2003, I was out of touch with what I would class as my true essence. I felt disconnected, powerless and I didn't know why my life was the way that it was.

The pain that I was in made me look for answers; I needed to find a way to change my life. I didn't know how I was going to do this, though; I just knew that I had to do something about what was going on.

A Miserable Existence

I was healthy, I had friends, somewhere to live and food on the table, yet I didn't feel as though I had an effect on my life or know what I was going to do with my life. To say that I felt lost would be an understatement.

I read numerous books and ended up working with a healer in 2007. As the years passed, I ended up working with numerous other healers and took different courses, and each time I hoped that my life would be transformed.

My Outlook

Ultimately, I believed that I was missing something and once I was able to attain it, my life would finally change. This doesn't mean that I wasn't ever told that this wasn't the case and what I was looking for was actually inside me.

Even so, due to what was going on for me, it wasn't possible for me to actually hear what I was being told and to feel it at the core of my being. What was stopping this from taking place was all of the 'stuff' that wasn't me.

The Purpose

When I was working with a healer a number of years ago, he said that the reason we were doing the work that we were doing was to let go of what was not me, so that I could connect to the truth of who I was. It was then the not about adding anything, it was about letting go of what wasn't the truth.

Intellectually, this was something that I already knew, but when I heard it this time something clicked at an emotional level. Still, it wasn't until a little while after that that what I heard went in even deeper, which caused me to feel different and to have a cascade of new insights.

It Made Sense

I would say that the reason that this made more sense at an emotional level and not just at an intellectual level was because of the growth that I had experienced. I got an even clearer sense that I didn't need anything to feel connected or powerful as this was my true nature.

In the main, what had caused me to feel so disconnected and powerless was the trauma that I experienced during my early years. And trying to change how I felt in order to feel connected and powerful, amongst other things, and although doing so made logical sense, just perpetuated how I felt, which makes me think of the following quote - what you resist is what will persist.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

You Can Make The Impossible Possible

If you were to think about what is impossible for you to achieve or attain, certain things could come to mind. Therefore, it will seem as though this is something that is fixed and there is nothing that you can do about it.

However, while this may be so, it doesn't mean that what you believe is impossible is actually impossible. To shake your mind up a little bit, you could think about the things you have achieved in your life that you thought were impossible at one point in time.

Another Option

If nothing comes to mind at this stage, you could think about what was once seen as impossible for humans as a whole which ended up changing. For example, for a very long time, it was believed that it was not possible to run a mile in under four minutes.

In 1954, this was something that was made possible by Roger Banister, who ran a mile in 3 minutes 59.4 seconds. After this had taken place, numerous people ended up doing the same thing.

What Changed?

Two things stand out here; firstly, what was seen as impossible became possible and, secondly, after he had achieved this feat, it wasn't long before other people did. So what do these two examples have in common?

What they demonstrate is how powerful beliefs are, and once they change, the impossible can become possible. The first person didn't buy in the belief that it was impossible and thanks to this, he was able to achieve something that would shake up what other people believed was possible.

Back To You

Now that you have thought about this, is there at least one time in your life that you achieved something that at one stage of your life you thought was impossible? It doesn't have to be something monumental.

It just needs to be something that you didn't believe was possible, not anyone else. If you can think of anything, what you could also think about is if you were able to do this, what else are you capable of?

My Early Beginnings

When I look at my own life, I can see that I wouldn't even be writing this, let alone any of the other things I have written, if I had listened to what was said about me when I was at school and allowed what was taking place to define me. I had severe learning difficulties and I couldn't read properly until I was about eleven or twelve.

I was told that I would be more likely to do something practical when I was older, due to the difficulties that I had. As time passed, I ended up with an extremely strong desire, and willingness, to understand myself (and this made me read and to write later on) - I was in too much pain to get too caught up in the challenges that I had had and still had.

You Are More than Your Circumstances

One thing that you could do to stay focused and not to get too caught up in what your mind believes is to make a list of what you have achieved over the years. Along with this, you could write down a few things that other people have achieved that were seen as being impossible at one point in time.

Another thing that you could do is to write down what you believe is impossible when it comes to your own life and then to look into the beliefs that are supporting this outlook. The following quote by Napoleon Hill is apt, "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

How Can I Serve You?

The important thing for you keep in mind is that your beliefs are shaping your reality; you are not simply an observer of life. If you need additional support right now, one of the ways that I can provide this is for you is through the personalised consultations that I offer via Skype or Zoom.

If you would like to know more, please go to - If you are committed to your own healing, it would be an honour to assist you on your journey.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, four hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

To find out more go to -

How To Reprogram Your Mind (for Positive Thinking)

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Noticing Positives

We are living in a world that can be scary and full of unknowns. Never before has there been anything exactly like the COVID-19 pandemic that has been terrorizing the entire world. Governments have followed recommendations of researchers and health experts in ways that have changed our entire lifestyles. At the same time, however, I have noticed that there are many, many positives that are occurring every day.

Following are some of the things that people tell me they have been enjoying:

Time - Being required to respect physical distancing and working from home for those who can, has allowed us much more time to pursue interests. Instead of having to attend meetings or appointments and drive children to events we can pursue other personal interests. Many people are investing the extra hours saved in hobbies, learning a language, reading, or exercising.

Money - A large portion of the population have less money coming into the household but those who are on fixed incomes have told me that they are spending less than they did previously. Some of this, of course, is because businesses such as beauty shops and retail outlets are closed but being at home also means that there seems to be less interest in spending money. The government has been trying to fill the gaps with financial programs and we are also watching the stock market with the hope that it will rebound over time. It seems that everything we were used to has shifted.

Skills - Being at home provides more opportunities to learn and use skills. Many family members are cooking and baking, renovating, starting seedings, doing their own hair or sewing - practical skills that our ancestors used for everyday survival. Before the pandemic our busy schedules often would encourage us to turn to others to do the things that we are now doing ourselves.

Relationships - More time with those who live in your home can be positive - a time to communicate and share activities. Fortunately, we have social media sites and technology that allow us to stay close to loved ones who are living at a distance. Close proximity can also be stressful though and it is therefore important to schedule "alone" time.

Reflection - Facing difficulties can led to assessment and realignment of values. When we are in isolated situations, we begin to think about what is really important in life. Most recently the ideas of health and loved ones top the list.

I know that there are many challenges that have been brought on by the pandemic. One of the most serious is that we do not have any clear idea about exactly how it will affect us and when it will end. It is therefore very important to drastically limit the input from television and internet as these can significantly increase stress. Instead focus on the things that you can do that will make today and your future more satisfying.

And remember to laugh as often as possible for laughter is good for the soul!

And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to a complimentary list of 10 Steps to Making Your Life an Adventure when you visit

Friday, July 24, 2020

Why Is Fear A Powerful Manifestor?

In order for someone to experience/attain something, it won't just be a case of them having the right thoughts; they will also need to have the right feelings and to behave in a certain way. What this comes down to is that their thoughts are just one part of the equation.

This might be hard for them to accept if they have been following the law of attraction teachings. If they have, they will most likely believe that it is purely about having the 'right' thoughts.

The Law of Resonance

Not only will their thoughts just be a small part of it, but they are also not going to be attracting anything into their life. In reality, they will be getting themselves in sync with what they desire so that what they desire shows up.

It could then seem as though they are 'attracting' what they desire, but they will be becoming an energetic match. Once they are resonating at the same frequency as what they desire, it will appear in their life.

Two Levels

Their being will embody the same frequency as what it is that they want, which is why it will show up. If their being was in a place of needing or wanting something, it would cause them to have experiences that mirror back where they are at.

And while they can consciously create the 'right feelings, it doesn't mean that this will be enough. The reason for this is that at a deeper level - in their conscious mind - they could have feelings that are not right.

An Important Task

Therefore, for them to experience life in a certain way, they will need to consciously create the right feelings, take inspired action, and to heal their inner wounds. When it comes to healing their inner wounds, this will be a lifelong process and not something that will be done in one weekend.

Still, the more 'baggage' that they clean up, the easier it is likely to be for them to experience life in a certain way. This is because there will be less conflict inside them and it will be easier for them to experience certain feelings.

The Power of Focus

When it comes to gaining a deeper understanding of why it is so important to have the right feelings and to experience these on a consistent basis, taking a closer look at fear will help. What someone may find, that's if they were to reflect on their life, is that they have often attracted what they have feared.

The question is: why is fear such a powerful manifestor? Firstly, when someone experiences fear, they will be consumed by one feeling/instinct and they will experience this fear on a regular basis, and secondly, they will have complete certainty that what they fear will take place.

Final Thoughts

Or to be more accurate, when they experience fear, it can be as though what they fear is real and not just a creation of their mind. If someone was to experience 'positive' feelings in the same way that they experience fear, and these feelings defined how they behaved, it might not be long until the external world mirrors back how they feel.

That is, of course, if they believe that they deserve to experience/attain what it is that they desire. To put this part in the right order: the first part will be for them to believe that something is possible and the second part will be for them to believe that they deserve it.

To find out more go to -

How To Stay Humble

Earlier on, whilst I was out shopping, I saw an image of a famous athlete with the words "stay humble" written on it. This is someone who is at the top of their game and is known all over the world.

It is clear that this person realises how important it is for them to keep their feet on the ground and not to let their current level of success go to their head. They are likely to know that even though they are the top right now, they could fall right to the bottom in a matter of seconds.

A Number of Ways

While I can't say for certain how this person stays humble, it is possible that they focus on where they have come from and how easy it would be for them to lose it all. Additionally, they may have a number of people around them that help them to keep their feet on the ground.

Still, even though this is so, it doesn't mean that there won't be moments when their current position ends up going to their head. If this does happen, it could be said that it is not much of a surprise, considering how successful they are and how so many people are likely to treat them like a god.

A Good Approach

Let's say that this person does focus on where they have come from and how easy it would be for them to lose it all; this is something that the average person can also do to stay humble. Having people in their life who don't get caught up in what they have achieved will also help.

What they could also do is to imagine that they are around someone who is full of themselves and to think about what it is like to be around someone like this. They are likely to find that there is nothing appealing about this person.

Going Deeper

The question is why would someone become full of themselves if they are successful in one area of their life or a number of areas? One way of looking at this would be to say that the reason this happens is because they have merged with their ego.

This is the part of them that basically allows them to have their own experience on this planet. Without this, it wouldn't be possible for them to have their own life and therefore, to fulfil their purpose for being here.

The Challenge

But although this part causes them to believe that they are separate from everyone and everything, it is nothing more than an illusion. When this is understood, they won't fully buy into the illusion that their ego creates.

However, if one is unaware of this, it will be normal for them to see themselves as being better or superior to others - or worse or inferior. The part of them that will allow them to see that they are no better or worse than others, their true-self, will have been pushed aside, with their ego taking over.

Final Thoughts

Taking this into account, the way for someone to stay humble will be for them to be mindful of when they get caught up in their ego. If this does happen, and they start to see the world through their egos dual nature, they can take a step back and acknowledge what has taken place.

There is then no need for them to shame or blame themselves; they are just becoming aware of what has taken place. What will most likely help with this process is for one to meditate as this will allow them to develop their observer self.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, three hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behavior, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Four Steps to Success

In my private counseling practice, clients often tell me, "I want to be happy!" We then set about making it a reality. As a psychotherapist, I know that Your habits, your relationships, your environment, and especially what you think about them determine more about how happy you are than your genes do; because I've watched so many people figure out how to meet their goals and create their own happiness. You can improve any part of your life you wish: your relationship with yourself, your relationships with others, your work life, your home life, and even your health. The following steps will help you reach any goal you set for yourself.

Four Steps to Success

(1) Choose the goal.

(2) Break it down into small, non-intimidating steps.

(3) Do something. (If you can't get yourself to do it, you haven't made the steps small or easy enough-go back to step 2.)

(4) Celebrate what you've done (yes, every little step).

For example, suppose you're interested in bringing more physical activity and music into your life, and choose a folk-dancing class. Break the goal down into manageable steps: (1) Call around to find out what classes are available; (2) choose a class to attend; (3) enroll in the class; (4) go to the first class meeting; (5) evaluate the class as to whether it's a good one for your purposes.

Those steps may seem simplistic, but that's the idea. Make it as easy as possible to do each step. That way you won't be discouraged by "I can't" before you start.

Breaking your goal down into the smallest possible steps makes it easier to accomplish the next phase: Do something. Many of us know how to set goals, but not how to achieve them, so we've "proved" to ourselves over and over that we're failures. That's not true at all. The failure lies in not having completed the rest of the Four Steps to Success.

You've just made the third step to your goal as simple as possible, so there are no reasons not to take it. Go ahead, and focus on the third step only: Do something.

After you've taken the third step, celebrate. Recognition of what you've accomplished is important. It also helps to celebrate each step you take toward your goal as you take it. This way you won't run out of energy before you achieve success, and you'll keep encouraging yourself as you proceed.

Your celebration can be just looking into your mirror and saying, "Congratulations, you've just made the first (second, third) step toward achieving your goal" Or your celebration can be more elaborate, such as toasting your accomplishment with a friend or two. It can even be a major party. The important thing is that you do something to make sure you notice you've had some success, however small. It is this celebration that will give you the courage and confidence to go on all the way in achieving your goal.

As you achieve your goal, go back to the Four Steps and choose a new goal; then follow the steps through again. Repeat this until you've created or achieved what you want.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

How You Can Break Barriers to Growth and Become Opportunity-Ready

We are continually reminded about the "new normal" and the struggle to return business to the way it was, as if it ever can be again. The news can become discouraging while working from home, especially if it seems there is no end in sight for current the pandemic and other societal problems. Not only is the news a source of frustration, the certainty of employment has evaporated for many industries and careers. It seems as if a person who has a job has the only future available now, and to dream of anything more is to hope for too much.

Yet it is possible to think about the future, even in the seemingly worst of circumstances, whether or not you work at home, have no certainty of a job in the months to come, and you are or are not employed now. The challenge is overcoming the natural barriers your mind creates when you feel the weight of circumstances around you, from national and international crises, to your own personal and professional matters. When there are so many issues and problems vying for your attention, it weighs heavily on your mind, creating a sense of push and pull. You seem to be pushed from one headline to the next, and your attention continually pulled from one worrisome idea to another.

When you create mental barriers, it interrupts your own development and this is what prevents you from being ready for new opportunities. As an educator and career coach I have used the phrase opportunity-ready to not only refer to the future career opportunities which may come your way, but the opportunities that are available now within your existing career. For example, I am always concerned with my well-being and state of mind as an educator, knowing that I want to be opportunity-ready for my employer, ready to accept the challenges and opportunities which are a natural part of the position. You can also develop this same state of mind when you breakdown any barriers to growth that are present now.

Natural and Intentional Growth

You grow naturally without thought, at a subconscious level. This occurs through time on the job and the experience you gain, along with the skills acquired. You cannot help but grow on some level, whether or not you are aware of it. Even if you are performing the same job, day after day, and it seems as if you have grown stagnant within that position, you are still growing to some extent. Consider the knowledge you've gained, even if by trial and error, interactions with customers, problem-solving, and working on projects. You have evolved, whether or not you can see it at this time.

There is also intentional growth, or the type of growth you are aware of and intentionally pursue. It may be formal education, or the type of education obtained within a classroom environment. This type of growth may also occur by reading, attending a webinar, attempting a new project, or consciously becoming involved in any other similar endeavor. When you intend to seek out new knowledge, or acquire new skills, the purpose may be to benefit your current job or future career. The accumulation of your knowledge helps to create a competitive advantage, along with a feeling of being proactive in your career.

Discovering Your Barriers to Growth

As an educator and career coach, what I have learned through my work with students and client is the barriers to growth can be summarized into two primary categories, beliefs and acceptance. Even those who have been seemingly well-focused and able to develop goals can still become wrapped up in current events and need to work on overcoming sticking points.

Barriers Centered around Beliefs: One of the common barriers is centered on the belief that a person's life and/or career won't, can't, or will not change. This is a product of time, effort, and mental habits. If you have been trying to better your life, create new plans, initiate change, or make an attempt to find a new career path, and nothing seems to happen in the manner you would like it to, then it may become easy to develop a negative belief.

The default setting it seems is this: See, Believe, Try. It translates into: I see results of my effort, then if all goes well, I believe in myself and try again. The reverse also holds true: If I do not see the results of my effort, I will not believe in myself, and I may not try again.

Barriers Centered around Acceptance: Most individuals I work with who have this type of barrier are prone to accept reality as it is now, and they are unable to see any hope for future change. The development of reality-based barriers is even more challenging now during a pandemic when the certainty of resolution is unknown.

Anyone who struggles with fear of the future, and becomes mentally paralyzed from taking action because they see no hope, have those feelings amplified to a much greater degree now. There seems to be no escape from reminders of the bleakness the world faces either, as the worst of the crisis is ever present within news, and advertisements remind us we are isolated at home. It can be easy to eventually succumb to the feeling life will not get better.

Breaking Barriers to Growth

We often keep hitting the same wall, until we realize we have become stuck. To overcome any mental barrier, you must be willing to admit to yourself that something is not working well for you now. It is not a matter of right or wrong, ego, pride, or admission of failure. It is being able to continue to evolve, both personally and professionally. You can simply state: "Somehow I feel stuck and I want to make improvements". That's how the process of uncovering obstacles begins, as you cannot change the external or the circumstance around your life, but you can change the internal factors that are holding you back.

Self-Evaluation and Self-Discovery

To be able to uncover your barriers, you need to begin by doing what may feel the most uncomfortable, and that is to admit you need to self-examine your mindset. This will begin a process of self-evaluation, which in turn can lead you through self-discovery. The only reason obstacles exist are due to the patterns of thoughts established in the mind.

Consider this example: The mind initiates a series of steps that creates habitual thinking, which leads to chronic patterns of how you act while interacting with others in the workplace and how you perform your job. There is a logical component to these steps, as required for completing your required tasks; however, there are aspects involved that require capacity, and this is where your beliefs come in. Self-evaluation, utilizing reflection as a tool to evaluate yourself, will help to uncover those beliefs. It's not a matter of being weak when you need to determine why you are mentally stuck, it's showing yourself you want to grow.

Implement this Strategy: To help you get started, I recommend you create an event log or better stated, an event chart. The events to keep track of during each day are the tasks, requirements, duties, projects, and anything else you were consciously asked to perform in your job. This is the first column of the event chart.

The second column will be the self-reflection reactions. I recommend you record your self-reflection reactions at the end of the day, when you have time to think back on how you responded to the tasks, requirements, duties, projects, and anything noted within your event log or chart. Take time to note your initial reaction, along with the final actions you've taken.

The third and final column in your event log or chart needs to be labeled self-focus. You can complete this column at the end of the day, or perhaps you could complete this at the end of the week, after you have given yourself even more time to reflect. This column will present yourself with an opportunity to answer the following questions for each notation within the event log or chart: Was this the best response? Did this response lead to the best possible outcome? Was there a better possible response and outcome? If so, what was it?

From this event log you can then develop a plan of action. My recommendation is that you create a set of statements to acknowledge your new found wisdom. The following prompts can help you get started:

I have learned...

I now know this about myself...

I need to improve upon...

I discovered I am capable of...

I plan to choose this type of reaction in the future...

This may all seem too far-fetched for the average person to complete. Yet we live in a time when the external "noise" is so loud, which includes the technology used, we must find a way to pay attention to what is going on within our minds. This is where the pathway to success can be found, learning to evaluate ourselves from the inside out.

Becoming Opportunity-Ready

Once you've decided to take a proactive approach to evaluating your mindset, you will find yourself better positioned for future opportunities. This doesn't imply you are going to begin a job search, rather it means you are prepared to perform your best now and in doing so, you've become opportunity-ready. The success of many employers now depends upon the performance of its employees. Your willingness to perform your best not only makes you shine, you are contributing to the success and longevity of your employer, and you may also be readying yourself for future opportunities. But no matter the reason why you have broken down the barriers to your growth, it should always be done first and foremost for your own benefit and mindset well-being. To begin each day with a sense of hope and willingness to be fully engaged in whatever task comes your way, regardless of circumstances, can be one of the most rewarding feelings you will ever experience.

Dr. Bruce A. Johnson is an inspirational author, writer, and teacher.

Dr. Johnson's background involved helping others, including people and organizations. His roles have included Manager of Training and Development, Human Performance Improvement Consultant, Online Instructor, Career Coach, Curriculum Developer, Manager of Faculty Development, and Chief Academic Officer.

Since 2005, Dr. J has specialized in distance learning, adult learning, faculty development, online teaching, career management, career development, and human performance improvement. He has a Ph.D. in Postsecondary and Adult Education, a Certificate in Training and Performance Improvement, and a Master of Business Administration, MBA. Presently Dr. J is a Core Faculty member for one of the premiere online universities.

As a scholar practitioner, Dr. J was published in a scholarly journal and he has been a featured presenter at an international distance learning conference. He has also published books, eBooks, and over 200 online articles about adult learning, higher education, distance learning, online teaching, and professional development, helping to fulfill his life's mission to teach, mentor, write, and inspire others.