Saturday, June 6, 2020

How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals | Stephen Duneier | TEDxTucson

Ask Yourself, Why, You WANT, To Be, You?

I want to be me. These famous song lyrics, although, compelling, inspiring, and motivating, fail to answer, the key question, which is, why, you WANT to be, you! Groucho Marx told us, It's a matter of mind, over matter. If you don't have a mind, it doesn't matter! Few of us, seem, ready, willing, and able, to, truly, proceed, in an introspective, objective manner, and attempt, to give ourselves, a check - up, from the neck - up. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and, why, the happiest, healthiest people, are those, who take the time, and make the effort, to learn, what makes them tick, and are able to be happy, with themselves, etc.
1. Who (are you); what (you think and believe); where (your personal vision): Who do you want to be, and are you, close to, being that person? How might you be happier, and more content/ self - satisfied? When was the last time, you focused on, what you, personally think, and believe, and proceeded, with the independence, to be, your own person, rather than simply, trying to fit - in, with any particular mold, society sets and creates? How important, to you, is your personal, vital vision, and where, do you aim, to be?
2. Attitude; attention; aptitude: When, one possesses, and proceeds, with a true, positive, can- do, attitude, he looks, at ways, to achieve, instead of, reasons, why he can't (or, it's impossible)! How one focuses his attention, often, determines, his results, and judgments! When this is combined, with the commitment, to, develop, the finest possible, skill - set, and well - developed, aptitude, you become able, to achieve, to the best of your potential!
3. Needs; nurture; nuances: When was the last time, you considered, thoroughly, your specific needs, and tried to nurture them, by coordinating your actions, with, what you seek, and desire? Rather than, merely trying to be accepted, by fitting - in, to the group, around you, develop a willingness to accept and use the nuances, which most appeal, to you, personally!
4. Timely; trends; truthful: It won't help you, if you lie, to yourself, so be, truthful, discover your true strengths, and weaknesses, as well as what makes you happiest! Never procrastinate, but commit, to, consistently, proceed, in a well - considered, timely manner! Make today's trends, your friends, by learning and analyzing them, and focusing, on your best, personal path!
What do you hope, and WANT, to be? If you won't, no one else, will care as much, as you do!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for alternative health:
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Friday, June 5, 2020

Les Brown - You've gotta be hungry - motivation (to Interstellar soundtrack)

Three Steps to Identify and Remove Your Limiting Beliefs

"If you don't change your beliefs, your life will be like this forever. Is that good news?" - William Somerset Maugham
Do you know that the average person makes about 35,000 decisions a day? If this sounds amazing, think about the following...
Right now you are making a decision whether to continue reading this article or do something else. In other words, every moment of your life you make individual choices and the total sum of those choices as well as their consequences is what we call OUR REALITY. For this to be even more interesting, neuroscientists say that more than 95 percent of our decisions are made completely unconsciously.
The next question now arises, based on what are you deciding which next choice to choose or what is the thing that most influences the decisions you make. This is where we come to our beliefs, that is, internal programs that govern the vast majority of our daily choices and decisions.
Our beliefs are like software that allows us to see only content that supports such software on our screen. They create our expectations and manage our reactions. We can have many hopes, aspirations and goals, but the actual steps that we need to achieve them we will only be able to take regularly when we at least partially get rid of precisely those limiting beliefs that do not support the direction we want to go.
Although we all have many different limiting beliefs, the good news is that most of them are completely irrelevant and there is no need to deal with them at all. Beliefs that make sense are precisely those that automatically activate in us when we begin to take practical steps on a topic that is currently something important to us, and feel that our life or business is stagnant until we make a concrete move on the topic.
How to get rid of such limiting beliefs?
For starters, it is important to be specific and focused on one area of life for a specific period. Or, better yet, just one goal that you see as priority.
Think of a current goal of your own that is extremely important to you and does not suffer any further delays, while at the same time you feel that you are spinning too much in circle and not taking as many practical steps as necessary given the importance of such a goal.
Then ask yourself the following question:
"What should someone deep down believe that, as a result, would behave in the ways I behave in relation to my goal?"
Then, without thinking too much, start writing down thoughts that come to the surface of your consciousness. They will generally represent precisely the beliefs that most restrict your engagement on the path toward achieving your goal. Once such limiting beliefs "pass" from your unconscious mind to your conscious mind, they will no longer represent the "mechanism" that dominates your decisions, but will only become an option to think about and be able to crucially re-examine.
Once such limiting beliefs "pass" from your unconscious mind to your conscious mind, they will no longer represent the "mechanism" that dominates your decisions, but will only become an option to think about and be able to crucially re-examine.
Take 20 minutes a week for the process and repeat it until you feel that old habits and behaviors no longer have a big impact on your new decisions.
One more thing...
Clients often ask me if it is necessary to have clearly defined goals, that is, whether it is possible to work on getting rid of limiting beliefs without clear goals. My answer is that it is possible, but you'll need to invest 10 times more time and energy to achieve the same effect.
Because all your attention will be scattered in different directions and because of the lack of clarity of the direction you want to go, it will be difficult for you to define at all what your limiting beliefs are.
No belief by itself is limiting. It becomes limiting only when we feel it hindering us to reach the goal that really matters to us and that we want to achieve.
This article is a part of the working script for a program "TT MINDFULNESS™ - BECOME A MINDFULNESS COACH". For more information visit:

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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Don't Determine What's Possible For You Based On Where Your Life Is Right Now

Judging Your Life Doesn't Help You
I want you to reflect on what is working favourably in your life right now? Is it your relationships, finances, health, family, career, etc? Now, think about what is not working for you? What area of your life could be improved? Let's set aside the current circumstances regarding the Coronavirus pandemic because we have little control in what happens. But I invite you to examine the various aspects of your life, to see how you could improve it.
We mustn't think our life isn't working based on where we are right now. Sometimes, our current situation may be a transition for the next phase of our life. Life is constantly evolving. Judging our current circumstances is like taking a photograph of someone, believing that is how they will look their entire life. Moreover, you keep looking at the photograph over the years, thinking the person is still the same. But this is wishful thinking, since they will have matured, changed the colour of their hair, perhaps lost weight or changed other aspects of their appearance. What I'm saying is: if we judge our life based on a snapshot of where we are, we miss out on what is yet to unfold.
Are you comfortable with this idea that your life is constantly evolving? It would be remiss of you to decide what isn't possible based on what is lacking or not working. I hope you get the impression that judging your life doesn't help you get to the next chapter, but keeps you stuck in your current predicament. Naturally, we evaluate life through the lens of disappointment and discouragement. Many people do this because they want to fix what isn't working. But what if your life isn't broken and you are judging it unfairly? That is to say, perhaps the pieces of your life are still coming together and look disjointed because the entire picture is not complete?
Anything Is Possible For You
What we ought to do is work towards how our life should look, knowing the pieces may not fit, since it is still coming together. Is this beginning to make sense, where judging your life is pointless because life is constantly flowing through us like a stream. The Greek philosopher Heraclitus said: "No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." He was referring to the ever-changing speed at which our life ebbs and flows. What we are certain of today may be irrelevant tomorrow. This is evident right now regarding the Coronavirus. Scientists and infectious disease experts are only certain of the data today because things aren't changing at an ever-increasing rate.
And so it is with your life. Things may appear to be working against you today, and suddenly everything can fall into place tomorrow. It is when we look back on our life, we can see that our failures and mistakes had to happen, to bring us to where we are today. Anything is possible for you, as long as you continue moving forward and not give up hope of a better future. If you give up, you stop taking risks and settle for what you've got. Unfortunate things happen to people every day. They can cause setbacks and frustration because we believe we are not making progress. But these thoughts are an illusion, contrived by the egoic mind to protect us from getting hurt. But ask any successful person and they will tell you, some of the best things that happened to them, came out of nowhere. They occurred when they least expect it, while pursuing their goals and dreams.
With this in mind, I'd like you to draw up on a piece of paper or your phone, three columns with the headings: What Is Working for Me and What Is Not Working for Me. In the third column write: What Is The Lesson? Take some time to work through the questions I asked you at the beginning of the article, regarding what is working for you and against you. This will give you a sense of how your life is tracking and whether you need to intervene. Sometimes, interfering in our life is like throwing a stone into a serene pond which disturbs the pristine water. Instead, allow life to organise itself around you and through you, to bring you what you need at the right time. After all, if we determine what is possible based on where we are, we miss out on the potential for life to deliver what we need, when we least expect it.
Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!

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Monday, June 1, 2020


Over the years, I've witnessed every so-called "reason" people stay stuck. Here are some of the most common:
"I can't do anything about it"
"It's too hard to change"
"I don't know where to begin"
"There are too many obstacles in my way"
Well, here's something important to know. ALL THINGS EXTERNAL TO YOU ARE IRRELEVANT.
The most common thing people do is focus on "reasons and rat" OUTSIDE THEMSELVES.
Here is an irrefutable truth: THERE IS NOTHING TO CHANGE BUT SELF.
Meaning?... and I invite you to remain open here: What you see
in the world is a PROJECTION of what you think and feel.
Consider this:
Your "outside" world is like a blank screen in a movie theater. The screen can ONLY project the film playing in the projection room. If you don't like the movie do you blame the screen or the projection room?
Of course not!!
You simply get up, leave and find a better movie.
Consider this--
-You have your own projection room... it is your mind.
The world outside is a "blank screen" on which you project your beliefs, perceptions and assumptions.
YOU ARE THE DESIGNER/WRITER of the film playing in your life
YOU are completely responsible for the story you write.
To blame people and events is a mistake for the movie you see is a projection of the movie playing in your mind. It is within you.
Don't accept this?
I have a question.
Ever wake up feeling really great without knowing why? Most of us have had this experience.
What kind of day did you have?
95% say "a great day. I was calmer, happier and noticed nothing really bothered me and I easily moved through adversity. It was different than my usual kind of day-that's for sure."
Can you see it?
Without realizing it... folks are demonstrating exactly what I'm saying.
Their day (their screen) WAS A REFLECTION OF THE MOVIE PLAYING IN THEIR HEAD. The result? A better day.
So... what movies are playing in your projection room?
The answer is simple.
Do you struggle in life, relationships, finances or health or in performing on the golf course, tennis courts or in auditions or on stage/set??
Are you stressed?
Do you judge, criticize yourself or others?
These are the scripts you are writing and therefore the movie projected onto the blank screen... and yet you swear "this is how it is."
NO, that's not "how it is." It is merely a reflection of the movie (your beliefs and assumptions of how "life is".)
Test this for yourself.
"When you change the way you look at something... that something changes"
Dr. Wayne Dyer
Try seeing/perceiving/assuming something different/better and watch the movie change. Your blank screen will reflect it.
Copyright 2020
David guides Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Creative Artists, and Corporate Professionals to Transform the way they Live, Work and Play.

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