Saturday, August 1, 2020

Finding Motivation - How to Find What Motivates You

Ever notice what motivates you? Motivation could come from many of your activities which you didn't give much thought before. In fact, it could be the answer to your limitless abundance, saying goodbye to money-related problems. This article will help you trace it and achieve it. Read on.

The source of your motivation will be ingrained in you. You jump up at the thought of it and can't wait to start it. You can't stop when you are doing it and when you are done with it, you can't help admiring it, feeling a deep sense of content and satisfaction.

Motivation could be about writing fiction/nonfiction books, music - singing and/or playing a musical instrument, painting portraits and/or natural sceneries, teaching, educating others and sharing your knowledge, playing a sport you like such as soccer, tennis or swimming, cooking a variety of dishes and compiling their recipes, and the list goes on.

Guess what earning money by doing what motivates you is a plus. You will not think of it as work and will always feel inspired to do it and enjoy your time doing it and at the end, earn good money from it.

You could even do a seminar/webinar about it reaching out to more people, helping others to find what inspires them and monetize it, earning a living as well.

You could passionately write books on them, reaching out across the globe not only gaining popularity but also helping the young and old alike to find out what it is they love to do and the steps they should carry out to make it the source of their living.

Imagine what would happen if each and every person on this earth were doing what they were excited about and also earning money from it - naturally the global economy would rise and no one had to leave jobs or get laid off unless because of other circumstantial problems, which could be worked out as well.

Doing the very stuff you love to do and also making a living from it will gradually help you to tap into limitless abundance and prosperity, and you will never have to worry about money problems again.

So the next time, when you are thinking about a career or business, put your creative mind at play, try to figure out what makes you jump up at the thought of doing something, then start doing it and step-by-step monetize it as well so that you never have to work another day again. Sounds good?

Rosina S Khan has authored this article. For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories and academic guides, amazing self-help eBooks, articles and blogs, all authored by her, and much more, visit: You will be glad that you did.

Alternatively, for a different layout of free resources, visit: You won't be disappointed and remember to like her Facebook page.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Repetition Compulsion: Why Do We Repeat The Past?

Although someone may realise that they are experiencing the same scenarios over and over again, there is also the chance that they won't. If they are, it could seem strange as to why this keeps happening.

What they may conclude, after reflecting on what is taking place, is that they have no control over their life. Someone or something 'out there' could be seen as being in control.

The Same Old Story

When it comes to what continually takes place, someone could find that they keep ending up with the same type of person. This could be someone who is abusive or emotionally unavailable, for instance.

They may find that this has taken place for as long as they can remember; it may even seem as though their life will always be this way. If they feel hopeless, it could be said that it won't be much of a surprise.

Another Experience

If, on the other hand, someone is not aware of the fact that they keep experiencing the same scenarios over and over again, it will be just as frustrating. The difference is that they won't have taken a step back and reflected on what is taking place.

What this may illustrate is that they are an 'emotional' person, which has prevented them from seeing the big picture. Through being focused on the trees, it won't have allowed them to see the forest, so to speak.

A Mystery

In both of these cases, someone won't understand why their life is the way that it is. However, while it may seem as though they are not playing a part in what is going on, this is unlikely to be the case.

But, for them to understand what is going on, it is likely that they will need to take a deeper look within themselves. For the answers that they seek are likely to be found in their body, not their mind.

Connecting the Dots

If they were able to remember what took place during their early years, what they may find is that their adult life is very similar; similar when it comes to what their relationships are like, and perhaps, many other areas, too. Therefore, many, many years will have passed, but there will be a lot that hasn't have changed.

At this point, it would be clear that time alone is not enough to heal what happened; something else needs to take place in order to liberate them from the past. Nonetheless, why would they repeat what happened if it not serving them?

A Deeper Look

Undoubtedly, they would have suffered all those years ago and they will continue to suffer to this day. On the surface, it can seem as if they are a victim and that they are not playing a part in what is going on.

To understand why they would repeat something that is not benefiting them, it will be necessary to take a look at a defence mechanism known as 'repetition compulsion'. When this defence is being utilized, someone will end up recreating something that had a big effect on them.

The Reason

Like all defence mechanisms, this will be in place to stop them from experiencing pain. This can be hard to accept, considering that this defence is not stopping them from endlessly experiencing the same painful scenarios.

They are still experiencing pain, this is true; nevertheless, the pain that they experience is likely to be less severe than the pain that exists at a deeper level. Thus, if they were to accept that what took place is over and that their developmental needs are not going to be met, they would probably experience even more pain.

Another Part

Additionally, what took place will have been painful but it will also be classed as what is familiar to their ego-mind. And, to this part of them, what is familiar is what is classed as what is safe.

This part of them doesn't care if something is healthy or unhealthy; it only cares about if it is familiar. For their life to change, then, there are at least two things that will need to take place.

Diving In

The pain that they are avoiding, by playing out the same scenarios, will need to be faced. If this pain is not acknowledged and worked through, they will be compelled to experience life in the same way.

By doing this, what their ego-mind associates as what is safe will gradually begin to change. Naturally, if they have a lot of pain/trauma locked inside their body, this is not going to happen overnight.


If one can relate to this, and they are ready to change their life, they may need to reach out for external support. This is something that can be provided by the assistance of a therapist or healer.

Through having external support, one will be able to go where they wouldn't go by themselves. This person will hold the space until they are able to hold the space for themselves.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, four hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

To find out more go to -

The Dark Side of Self Improvement | Suzanne Eder | TEDxWilmington

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Increase your self-awareness with one simple fix | Tasha Eurich | TEDxMileHigh

Developing Self-Belief Doesn't Happen Overnight

If someone is in a position where they lack self-belief, they may look into what they can do to develop it. Then again, they could merely put up with what is taking place and do their best to carry on as normal.

The reason for this is that they may believe that there is nothing that they can do about what is going on. Through having this outlook, they are not going to be able to transform their life.

Reaching Out

If someone does look into what they can do to develop self-belief, there is the chance that they will want to develop it as soon as possible. This could show that they have been this way for a very long time and are not willing to put up with how they experience life for any longer.

Alternatively, it could show that they find it hard to be patient, having a strong need to experience instant gratification. As a result of this, if they come across a book or a course that promises to change their life in a very short period of time, they might not hesitate to invest in it.

One Direction

After taking this step, they may find that their self-doubt starts to disappear and their self-belief rapidly increases. One could then find that as soon as they get an idea, it isn't long until they take the first step.

Not only will they see themselves as being capable of achieving something but they will know that they will be able to handle any setbacks that arise. Quite simply, being this way will allow them to be their own best friend as opposed to their own worst enemy.

Another Experience

If one was to take this route, they may find that they don't go from having very little self-belief to being full of self-belief in a short period of time. They may find that this is something that takes time.

This could be the case if they try something that promises to transform their life overnight or if they try another approach altogether. It will then be important for them to patient and persistent.

Being Realistic

Having a balanced outlook will make it easier for them to take the steps that they need to take to move forward and to not expect too much too soon. There can be moments when they are full of self-belief and moments when they struggle to find the strength within them, but they won't give up on themselves.

What they could also do to stay on the right track and to build up their self-belief is to find someone who believes in them. The support that is provided by someone like this will gradually be internalised, allowing one to develop self-belief even faster than they would otherwise.

Final Thoughts

What this illustrates is how important external support is when it comes to making progress in life. If one tries to do everything by themselves, their life is going to be far harder than it needs to be.

Reaching out for support is the sensible thing to do; it is not a sign that one is weak or incapable. Further, realising that self-belief is something that takes time to develop and is not something that is developed in a weekend or a week will save one from suffering unnecessarily.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, four hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

To find out more go to -

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

You Are That Which You Seek

When I first got on 'the path' in 2003, I was out of touch with what I would class as my true essence. I felt disconnected, powerless and I didn't know why my life was the way that it was.

The pain that I was in made me look for answers; I needed to find a way to change my life. I didn't know how I was going to do this, though; I just knew that I had to do something about what was going on.

A Miserable Existence

I was healthy, I had friends, somewhere to live and food on the table, yet I didn't feel as though I had an effect on my life or know what I was going to do with my life. To say that I felt lost would be an understatement.

I read numerous books and ended up working with a healer in 2007. As the years passed, I ended up working with numerous other healers and took different courses, and each time I hoped that my life would be transformed.

My Outlook

Ultimately, I believed that I was missing something and once I was able to attain it, my life would finally change. This doesn't mean that I wasn't ever told that this wasn't the case and what I was looking for was actually inside me.

Even so, due to what was going on for me, it wasn't possible for me to actually hear what I was being told and to feel it at the core of my being. What was stopping this from taking place was all of the 'stuff' that wasn't me.

The Purpose

When I was working with a healer a number of years ago, he said that the reason we were doing the work that we were doing was to let go of what was not me, so that I could connect to the truth of who I was. It was then the not about adding anything, it was about letting go of what wasn't the truth.

Intellectually, this was something that I already knew, but when I heard it this time something clicked at an emotional level. Still, it wasn't until a little while after that that what I heard went in even deeper, which caused me to feel different and to have a cascade of new insights.

It Made Sense

I would say that the reason that this made more sense at an emotional level and not just at an intellectual level was because of the growth that I had experienced. I got an even clearer sense that I didn't need anything to feel connected or powerful as this was my true nature.

In the main, what had caused me to feel so disconnected and powerless was the trauma that I experienced during my early years. And trying to change how I felt in order to feel connected and powerful, amongst other things, and although doing so made logical sense, just perpetuated how I felt, which makes me think of the following quote - what you resist is what will persist.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

You Can Make The Impossible Possible

If you were to think about what is impossible for you to achieve or attain, certain things could come to mind. Therefore, it will seem as though this is something that is fixed and there is nothing that you can do about it.

However, while this may be so, it doesn't mean that what you believe is impossible is actually impossible. To shake your mind up a little bit, you could think about the things you have achieved in your life that you thought were impossible at one point in time.

Another Option

If nothing comes to mind at this stage, you could think about what was once seen as impossible for humans as a whole which ended up changing. For example, for a very long time, it was believed that it was not possible to run a mile in under four minutes.

In 1954, this was something that was made possible by Roger Banister, who ran a mile in 3 minutes 59.4 seconds. After this had taken place, numerous people ended up doing the same thing.

What Changed?

Two things stand out here; firstly, what was seen as impossible became possible and, secondly, after he had achieved this feat, it wasn't long before other people did. So what do these two examples have in common?

What they demonstrate is how powerful beliefs are, and once they change, the impossible can become possible. The first person didn't buy in the belief that it was impossible and thanks to this, he was able to achieve something that would shake up what other people believed was possible.

Back To You

Now that you have thought about this, is there at least one time in your life that you achieved something that at one stage of your life you thought was impossible? It doesn't have to be something monumental.

It just needs to be something that you didn't believe was possible, not anyone else. If you can think of anything, what you could also think about is if you were able to do this, what else are you capable of?

My Early Beginnings

When I look at my own life, I can see that I wouldn't even be writing this, let alone any of the other things I have written, if I had listened to what was said about me when I was at school and allowed what was taking place to define me. I had severe learning difficulties and I couldn't read properly until I was about eleven or twelve.

I was told that I would be more likely to do something practical when I was older, due to the difficulties that I had. As time passed, I ended up with an extremely strong desire, and willingness, to understand myself (and this made me read and to write later on) - I was in too much pain to get too caught up in the challenges that I had had and still had.

You Are More than Your Circumstances

One thing that you could do to stay focused and not to get too caught up in what your mind believes is to make a list of what you have achieved over the years. Along with this, you could write down a few things that other people have achieved that were seen as being impossible at one point in time.

Another thing that you could do is to write down what you believe is impossible when it comes to your own life and then to look into the beliefs that are supporting this outlook. The following quote by Napoleon Hill is apt, "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

How Can I Serve You?

The important thing for you keep in mind is that your beliefs are shaping your reality; you are not simply an observer of life. If you need additional support right now, one of the ways that I can provide this is for you is through the personalised consultations that I offer via Skype or Zoom.

If you would like to know more, please go to - If you are committed to your own healing, it would be an honour to assist you on your journey.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, four hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

To find out more go to -

How To Reprogram Your Mind (for Positive Thinking)