Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Developing Self-Belief Doesn't Happen Overnight

If someone is in a position where they lack self-belief, they may look into what they can do to develop it. Then again, they could merely put up with what is taking place and do their best to carry on as normal.

The reason for this is that they may believe that there is nothing that they can do about what is going on. Through having this outlook, they are not going to be able to transform their life.

Reaching Out

If someone does look into what they can do to develop self-belief, there is the chance that they will want to develop it as soon as possible. This could show that they have been this way for a very long time and are not willing to put up with how they experience life for any longer.

Alternatively, it could show that they find it hard to be patient, having a strong need to experience instant gratification. As a result of this, if they come across a book or a course that promises to change their life in a very short period of time, they might not hesitate to invest in it.

One Direction

After taking this step, they may find that their self-doubt starts to disappear and their self-belief rapidly increases. One could then find that as soon as they get an idea, it isn't long until they take the first step.

Not only will they see themselves as being capable of achieving something but they will know that they will be able to handle any setbacks that arise. Quite simply, being this way will allow them to be their own best friend as opposed to their own worst enemy.

Another Experience

If one was to take this route, they may find that they don't go from having very little self-belief to being full of self-belief in a short period of time. They may find that this is something that takes time.

This could be the case if they try something that promises to transform their life overnight or if they try another approach altogether. It will then be important for them to patient and persistent.

Being Realistic

Having a balanced outlook will make it easier for them to take the steps that they need to take to move forward and to not expect too much too soon. There can be moments when they are full of self-belief and moments when they struggle to find the strength within them, but they won't give up on themselves.

What they could also do to stay on the right track and to build up their self-belief is to find someone who believes in them. The support that is provided by someone like this will gradually be internalised, allowing one to develop self-belief even faster than they would otherwise.

Final Thoughts

What this illustrates is how important external support is when it comes to making progress in life. If one tries to do everything by themselves, their life is going to be far harder than it needs to be.

Reaching out for support is the sensible thing to do; it is not a sign that one is weak or incapable. Further, realising that self-belief is something that takes time to develop and is not something that is developed in a weekend or a week will save one from suffering unnecessarily.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, four hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

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