Saturday, June 27, 2020

Why Those Who Are Most Responsive To Change, Will Always Thrive

Go With The Natural Flow Of Events

What are you resisting right now in your life? Is it the sudden change of circumstances in relation to the Coronavirus? Is it something you're missing out on, such as being in contact with loved ones, a friend, work colleagues or others? What negative emotions are you experiencing as a result? Is it anger, frustration, anxiety, fear or something else? How are you responding to them?

I realise I'm asking a lot of questions but it's important we understand what is the cause of our emotions. Now, granted, you might say I'm angry and frustrated being isolated from others against my will. And you wouldn't be wrong to feel this way, however what is the fundamental reason behind it? You see, the emotions you're experiencing may not only be attributed to separation. There could be something deeper beneath the surface that warrants your investigation. It is my experience, working with individuals over the years, that those who are most responsive to change always thrive.

These are people who are psychologically flexible and embrace what life throws at them. It doesn't mean they like what is happening. And I'm not suggesting you like what is taking place either because that would be remiss of me. What I am inviting you to do, is accept your current conditions to the best of your ability and make the most of it. Is this something you're willing to give your attention to? Could you entertain the idea that you needn't like your current circumstances but stop resisting it?

Resistance is futile because ultimately reality trumps our struggles and emotions. And who says life ought to meet our expectations of how things should unfold? Life is a self-sustaining system, operating with its own natural laws. We must learn to abide by them because we are a drop in an ocean of a vast cosmic intelligence, working tirelessly to maintain order. But sometimes, what we initially experience is chaos expanding to create order. It makes it easier if we stop fighting what is happening and go with the natural flow of events. This is what is meant by being grateful. It's the idea of looking for hidden gems contained within unexpected events.

Life Is Not Personal

Assuredly, what we give our attention to becomes our focal point. So, if you direct your attention to unpleasant circumstances, you will find evidence of it (confirmation bias) and call it into your experience. But this comes at a cost to your well-being, which is paramount to your mental and physical health. Responding to change affirmatively means that even though circumstances are not as we like them to be, we can turn misfortune into triumph. It means looking for the silver lining in every experience, even if we have to look hard, there will always be a positive lesson.

Listen, life is unfair. When we were protected by our parents or guardians as youngsters, we may have assumed life was fair. But we mature and discover through heartbreak, setbacks and disappointments, life is anything but fair. This is because life is not personal. Read that again and mark it somewhere on your computer or smartphone. Life is not personal. You are part of life's ecosystem and when you cooperate and collaborate with this energetic force, circumstances will benefit you.

So, back to my earlier questions about what you're resisting right now. How can you take that experience and find a hidden treasure amongst it? Could you give yourself the gift of sitting with your negative emotions, to explore what is at the heart of your resistance? I assure you, this practice alone, can change your life more than you realise.

It will empower you to control your emotions and understand their underlying motive. You needn't struggle with life because doing so means resisting the gifts it brings. Those gifts will seldom come in the form you hope for. They are often disguised as: hardship, pain, struggle and disappointment and requires we face them with optimism instead resistance. I often asked myself: Why do some people struggle with change while others take it in their stride? Why don't these people let their experiences get them down? What do they know that others don't?

I'm not convinced that successful people are any wiser or more intelligent than the rest of us. I'm certain however, they have experienced heartache, suffering and misfortunes to know that hardships don't come to disturb our peace, but to anchor us in our resilience and sharpen the saw of our character. That is why those who are most responsive to change will thrive because they move with their circumstances and make the most of it. So, give that gift to yourself right now. Give yourself the gift of sitting with your emotions for 30 minutes, to explore what is really going on beneath the surface. Give yourself the gift of unlocking your true wisdom. It is only then you will realise that thriving isn't a state of mind but a way of being in the world.

Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!,-Will-Always-Thrive&id=10283482

Friday, June 26, 2020

What Is A Worthy Goal, Anyway?

"Change is inevitable, but personal growth is a choice."

You have a tremendous amount of creative potential - and the truth is, there is no-one alive who can even guess at what you, as an individual, are capable of achieving.

So, if this is the case, why do so few people actually achieve anything of any significance in life?

Why is it that only 2-4% of all the people who go through our educational system become successful in their chosen field?

Well, there are many reasons, but one of the most significant reasons is that the vast majority of people never even aim for success, because we have become so conditioned, by our upbringing and our surroundings, into believing we have to know HOW to achieve something before we even seriously consider it.

So most people never even get as far as making it their goal to be successful.

The Wright brothers didn't know how they were going to make a plane fly when they first made it their goal in life. Edison tried over 10,000 times to invent a working lightbulb - he had no idea how he was going to do it until he made it his goal and started working towards it.

And yet, for most people, their dreams never even become a serious consideration because they don't know how they'd do it.

Instead, they settle for mediocre goals - goals they think they can probably achieve rather than the things they really, desperately want to be, do or have in life, often because of fear of disappointment.

A true goal - a WORTHY goal must come from within. A true goal's purpose is to cause you to grow - it causes you to draw from a part of you you didn't even know existed.

Do you have a C-Type Goal?

In Thinking Into Results, we focus on 3 types of goal: A-, B- and C-Type goals.

An A-Type goal is something you already know how to achieve.

Maybe you ran the London Marathon last year and you've decided to make it your goal again for this year.

That's not a worthy goal because it's something you've already done once - you know you can do it and you know how. There is no personal growth needed to achieve an A-Type goal.

A B-Type goal is what most people progress to after an A-Type goal.

A B-Type goal is something you think you can probably achieve if a number of factors you're expecting fall into place. Businesses set these kinds of goals all the time - a 10% increase in sales, a 5% increase in net profits...

They create a detailed, meticulous plan for how it will happen and call this their goal.

But the truth is there is no motivation - no inspiration - in A or B-Type goals. There's no skin in the game. It's a safe bet.

What's the worst that will happen if these goals aren't achieved? Usually nothing - 'we'll just try again next year'.

What do you really, really want?

But a C-Type goal is your 'wants'. This is the thing or things you really, really want in life. If you could be, do or have absolutely anything, without restriction, what would that be?

And yes, it starts of as a fantasy. Every achievement of any note has started life as a fantasy and you won't know how you're going to do it when you first start out - that's the point.

Because it's the personal growth that takes place within you while you're finding out how to achieve it that makes this a true goal.

It's what makes this a goal worthy of you trading your time, energy and money for - trading your life for.

If you're going to spend your days working towards something, make that 'thing' worthy of you.

Imagine what your life would look like, what each day would look like, in a life you'd designed. Visualise yourself living it. Imagine how you'll feel once you've achieved it.

This is the first step to setting and achieving your own Worthy Goal.

Emma Hague is a Thinking Into Results Facilitator, working with Bob Proctor and the Proctor Gallagher Institute to mentor individuals, businesses and teams to create the life they want and fulfil their dreams. Book an honest, exciting, no-obligation chat with Emma about your goals - your dreams - at,-Anyway?&id=10075462

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Roadblocks to Goal Success

Goal setting often gets a bad rap as people have tried and been unsuccessful at setting goals. Do not despair. Try, try, try and try again. Each time you will develop a stronger discipline, focus, and skills for goal success. Here are some roadblocks people run into with their goals and some solutions to try! Keep Charging!

I don't want to set goals, but I like results. What should I do?

Often this is from a fear. The reality is in order to set a goal; you must decide what you want. Many people prefer to leave all the options open, picking nothing, and defaulting to "life" to pick their destiny for them. Whether you resist goal setting because of a fear of failure, success, pressure, or whatever the reason, the fact remains, you cannot arrive where you have not set out to go. People who set goals have something to attain and often do. You cannot attain what you have not set. Do yourself a favor, evaluate where you want to end up, determine a viable course to get there, pick a focus and work toward it. You can always adjust or change if after several months doors are closing, but at least then you can disregard this option!

I have lots of ideas and goals, but I am overwhelmed where to start?

Often, goal-setters can set too many goals. Three SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timed) goals are about the max a human brain can really focus on. I prefer to have ONE focus statement that combines several goals. For example,


1) Earn 5K a month by being disciplined and focused on money-making activities.

2) Refine my skills (education) and processes to hold my clients more accountable to exceed goals.

3) Grow personally, more study time, expand the family, eat better/work out, have an organized home.

Focus Statement:

I am energized to be a focused and disciplined IBO, earning 5K/mo. coaching and training 'Movers and Shakers' to exceed their goals, while living in integrity nurturing and advancing my faith, family, health and home.

I have goals, but don't seem to reach them? Why?

Lack of a plan. In the book "Goals" by Brian Tracy, he tells the story about 2 desserts and how people died crossing to get from one town to another because they lost perspective in the middle of the dessert since they could not see the beginning or the end and died. To resolve the problem the town put mile markers between the cities to get travelers smaller milestones to focus on. Goals are also like this. If you do not break your big goals into milestones, it can be overwhelming to figure out how to accomplish them and it is always too big of a project to undertake and it simply never gets done. Set your focus goal, measurable goals, and milestones to allow a clear plan for goal success. I recommend that you take an annual focus goal and have monthly milestones. Read the goal and the milestones for the month daily. (i.e. if you want to increase your income, add 2 new clients this month and have a plan for attracting them.)

I have a focus goal, but I am just too busy to do anything about it. How do I get more time?

The power of passion. WHY did you set that goal? Was it a "should"? Often we set goals, like lose 25 lbs, eat better, make more money because we need to or know we SHOULD do this, but are not really motivated to make this happen. What we are passionate about will get your time and attention. Get connected to the WHY of your goal. Ask yourself "WHY does it matter?"10 times to get to the heart of it.

I have a goal, but it is not happening yet. What needs to happen?

Post in 3 spots. Read it daily. Think about the laws of attraction ( Write what you have to do each week to make that goal more of a reality. Do not cancel yourself out with negative or self-defeating self-talk. Be positive. Look for opportunities. Assess and make sure it is measurable and know what baby steps you can be taking to move closer to it. An elephant is not meant to be eaten in one bite!

You've Got To Stop Living In The Place Of Fear And Doubt

Be Careful What You Give Your Attention To

Fear and doubt are like uninvited guests, who show up for the night and overstay their welcome. They have nothing to impart other than a distorted reality. We fear what we don't understand and then doubt ourselves. This steals away the preciousness of the present moment because we succumb to a fictitious reality. Have you experienced something like this, whereby fear and doubt convinced you of something that wasn't true? You wouldn't be wrong in succumbing to this scenario because they collaborate to pull us into a pit of despair.

But it needn't be this way, since we can choose to see things differently. For example, when the Coronavirus pandemic started, there was a lot of fear and negativity perpetuated by the mainstream media. They hijack our attention by reporting bits and pieces of the actual story. I immediately turned my attention to the health professionals, such as infectious disease experts, epidemiologists, virologists and senior health experts. As time went on, I was reassured that what the media was depicting was not reality but a false narrative to sell a story. I'm not suggesting the virus is anything to ignore, but we must be careful what we give our attention to because it may not be serving our best interests.

Think about the areas of your life where fear and doubt have gained a foothold? Perhaps it is your relationships, finances, career, your dreams and highest ambitions? If I asked you to journal the narrative fear and doubt promote, what would you write? Is it lack of choice? Self worthiness or self-esteem? It's important we understand what we're up against, so we can deal with it effectively. To overcome fear and doubt, we must first understand how they operate in our life. They try to undermine us, like a virus weaving its way through our thoughts. Either way, we must confront our limiting beliefs and analyse them for what they are; an unrealistic plan to sabotage us.

We've Got To Show Up Fully For Our Dreams

Fear and doubt offer nothing in return, other than to steal our joy and happiness. In contrast, confidence and encouragement are allies that work together to support our goals. We ought to sow the seeds of these virtues in our psyche and extract fear and doubt from our minds. Fear is the enemy of confidence because it tries to convince us of an unfavourable future. However, confidence moves towards tomorrow armed with conviction to achieve excellence. This doesn't mean we must eradicate fear from our lives but acknowledge it for what it is. As the self-help author Susan Jeffers once wrote: Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway.

That is, we walk towards our fears and take inspired action, regardless. Because every time we overcome fear, we silence our doubts and lay to rest the hijackers of tomorrow. Fear and doubt will try to steal our best laid plans. But it is not enough to ignore them, we must face them directly and change the narrative they promote. Consider this in your own life. What have you overcome in recent times that fear and doubt tried to sell you? Perhaps it was entering a new relationship, starting your own business, or leaving a lucrative career? Sometimes fear and doubt can show up as an unwanted gift, presented by those we love. Family and friends will convince us not to change careers or get intimately involved with that person because they are no good for us.

But this is like asking those who've never been where you're going for directions. You assume because they are wiser, they hold the answers, but they may not be the answers for you. So, question everything and test it for yourself, to see whether it will work for you. It is better to make a hundred mistakes on your own, than live inauthentically based on other people's opinions. We've got to show up for our dreams and command them fully, irrespective of what others think. It requires moving through our fears and doubts, which accompanying us on this journey of life. Because when we reach our ultimate destination, we will have overcome these mountainous hurdles through hard work and perseverance.

Knowing this, I invite you to make time to examine areas of your life where fear and doubt have infiltrated. What is the message they're trying to sell you? Is it real? Can you be sure that fear and doubt is real? What do you want for your life? Write down two columns and examine your fears and doubts on one side and your vision and purpose on the other. After you've explored each area, sit with your feelings and note which area you are leaning towards? Do you want to be an 80-year-old who was allowed their fears and doubts to overcome them, or do you want to be an 80-year-old who has lived the best version of their life? Either way, you get to decide the storyline for your life, so make it a remarkable one!

Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Jim Rohn: The Mindset And Attitude Of Thinking Wealthy

The Power of Purpose

"Whatever your age, if you learn to listen, your inner voice will speak to you about your path," writes oncologist Dr. Bernie Siegel in Peace, Love and Healing, your 'job on earth.' This wisdom that is directing you from within is your birthright... an inner message, an inner awareness, that says, 'This is your path, this is how you can be the best human being possible.' If you follow it, you will achieve your full growth and full potential as a human being before you let go of the Tree of Life... "

I know Dr. Bernie is right, because I see the power of the inner voice daily in my clients, in my friends, and in my own life. My clients ask, "How can I access that voice, that wisdom, and get my feet started on the path?"

It's easy for any of us to get discouraged with suffering throughout the world: racial prejudice; addiction and self-destruction; political oppression in its many forms (starvation, war, torture, misinformation, imprisonment, denial of rights of speech, health and human dignity, and just plain bigotry and nastiness).

My own reaction, years ago, was despair. "I can't stand it! So much suffering! So many issues! There's nothing significant I can do." Gradually, with the help of wiser people, I came to realize that I wasn't supposed to do it ALL. I just needed to do a part. But what part? Thus I began to learn about my inner wisdom, my unique birthright, my own peculiarities and talents.

We are all unique, with different genetic mixes, different fingerprints, different gifts and personalities, so let's suppose that there must be a reason for our differences; a Plan. Included in the Plan is a special place for each of us, and we have been designed, by a Super Intelligence, for a special task within the Plan. Supposing that Plan exists, what is your part in it? What were you designed to do? What's your "job on earth"?

If you feel confused or overwhelmed by life, or if your life seems to have no meaning, no important reason for your existence, spend some time pondering the Plan. Whether you call your Source a Higher Power, Spirit, or God, try reading Its mind a little: Imagine-If you were God, and you had created the human being that is you, what would you have created such a person for? It's an interesting puzzle, and the clues are in your unique characteristics. Are you a good listener? Then maybe counseling is your intended "job". Can you explain things well? Perhaps you're being directed toward teaching something. Are you a mathematical whiz? A musician? An artist? Can you make people laugh? All of these talents can be used in unique ways to make the world a little better. For example, if you like to make people laugh, and you enjoy elderly people, perhaps entertaining, volunteering, or working in a senior citizen's center is your special place. Or if you are a survivor of abuse or illness, perhaps your "job" lies in helping others survive.

Like me, many others have found it useful to ponder solve this riddle. The clues and hints are subtle, but they exist. The secret to your life's purpose is hidden in your heart's desire. Discover that, and you discover meaning, joy and purpose. There is a Plan, and you fit within it. No one has been omitted, every small link fits. As you discover your secret mission, and join the rhythm of the Wise Plan, life begins to run itself, doubt fades, and joy becomes a more frequent companion. Try listening to your heart, and to the obvious things about you, and you'll find it works.

" 'I give you something, you know not what, enrich it, you know not how, bring it back, you know not when. And remember, I shall be watching you.' Said the Sun to the newborn child." - so children's writer P.L. Travers expresses the mystery of finding your 'job on Earth.'

"To find in ourselves what makes life worth living is risky business," writes Marsha Sinetar in Ordinary People as Monks and Mystics: "for it means that once we know it we must seek it. It also means that without it life will be valueless."

Did you know that problems with compulsive eating, substance abuse, destructive addictive relationships, and obsessive behavior are most often misguided attempts to satisfy the heart's desire?

We are such amazing miracles of creation. Within each of us is a driving force, that will NOT give up and go away. We can attempt to drown it out with loud, raucous living, to anesthetize it with food, drink or drugs, to avoid it through some zealotry or other, to run from it by being frantically busy, to ignore it by working obsessively, to be too overwhelmed drama and agony to notice it; but as soon as the unavoidable quiet moment happens, there it is, urging us on. Often, people misread this uncomfortable inner restlessness and call it "fear" or "loneliness", but it is only the call of the heart. Until we acknowledge it, it will not allow us to be at peace. Believe it or not, our hearts are filled with purpose and meaning, and will constantly press us to discover our true desire and act upon it.

A spectrum is a wide range of something, like the colors light creates when beamed through a prism. A rainbow. My rainbow, the one I want to share with all of you, is the warrior rainbow. It's the wide range of people who are willing to face their own fear and anger, to brave the terrors of the inner deep, to challenge the naysayers and the criticizers, because they know how important it is to be who they really are. It's a broad spectrum of people, all colors, orientations, beliefs and experiences. Nothing elaborate is required to take your place in the warrior rainbow-just the courage to be you-to face your fears, to believe in yourself, to be willing to fight where you can, while remembering a rainbow warrior always takes prudent risks-self-destruction is not encouraged.

I find that many people who come to me for counseling are "autophobic" - afraid of themselves. They are afraid of feeling emotion, afraid of being forced to be alone with themselves, afraid to find out what is actually inside them. It actually comes down to fearing the power within. We run very fast, in an attempt to escape who we are.

"If the person insists on a certain program, and doesn't listen to the demands of his own heart, he's going to risk a schizophrenic crackup," warned philosopher Joseph Campbell. "Such a person has... aligned himself with a program for life, and it's not the one the body's interested in at all. The world is full of people who have stopped listening to themselves or have listened only to their neighbors to learn what they ought to do, how they ought to behave, and what the values are that they should be living for... my analysis... is that we would rather feel alive than be alive. Sometimes it kills you, to feel so alive out there on a battlefield somewhere, or in a corporate environment where it's quite clear that you're heading for a heart attack, and you don't change your course because you are living in that stream of energy and aliveness. You wind up bargaining your life away for it."

Reading through the wisdom of the ages, I have come across this advice time and time again. Humankind's greatest teachers insist that the costs of denying your heart's desire are far greater than anything that could happen by following it. Every time my clients overcome their reluctance to know who they are, they release an inner power that transforms their lives.

What better time to become a rainbow warrior than now? Here's Dr. Campbell's advice about how to begin: "You must have a room, or a certain hour or so a day, where you don't know what was in the newspapers that morning, you don't know who your friends are, you don't know what you owe anybody, you don't know what anybody owes to you... a place where you can simply experience and bring forth what you are and what you might be... the place of creative incubation... if you have a sacred place and use it, something eventually will happen... Where is your bliss station? You have to try to find it. Get a phonograph and put on the music that you really love, even if it's corny music that nobody else respects. Or get the book you like to read. In your sacred place you get the "thou" feeling of life... for the whole world... if you follow your bliss you put yourself on a track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open the doors to you. I say, follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be."

I invite you to get acquainted with your heart's desire, join me in a resolution to surrender, to slow down and find out what is inside, straining to get out, longing to make contact with you. Make a "sacred space" for yourself, and spend a little time in it, at first reading or listening to music, and little by little listening to your heart. Perhaps it will change your life, as it has so many others. God has already blessed us, every one.

Monday, June 22, 2020

What's Stopping You From Dreaming Big

This was taken right around the time that my big dream to move to California was born. This was on a family trip to Disneyland & Universal Studios in California when I was 8 years old. At the time I was reading the Sweet Valley High books - remember those?! - where Jessica and Elizabeth lived in Malibu and drove around in a red convertible Fiat!! "THAT sounds amazing", I thought!!!

And so the dream was formed!

Funny enough my Mom found some of my old journals recently, where I had written down what I wanted to do when I grew up. Helping poor people and owning the Humane Society were written down. I was watching a TON of those commercials where the German Sheppard was basically crying, and they went on to tell us how much he'd been abused:(

I remember thinking that I was going to own all of the dogs in the world and live on a huge fenced in lot by the beach in Malibu, where people would have to be interviewed by me to see if they were fit to own a dog!

Some things never change. You can count on me to always let you know what is fair and what is not. I'm working on that...

What is that dream deep inside of you that's pulling at your heart strings? Read today's article below to learn where I landed on my dreams, what tends to get in the way of people making their dreams come true, and that it's absolutely okay to course correct along the way!

What's Stopping you from Dreaming Big?
See if you can tune into what you were wanting to do when you were little. I had the memory of California and the humane society, but I didn't realize I had also said that I wanted to help poor people! I remember saying in grade 6 (so age 11ish), that I wanted to either be a lawyer or a model, but not that part.

Well I definitely believe I'm doing my part to help poor people - I'm going to reframe that into helping people live abundant lives! - but the latter - the dog part - came about in a really interesting way!

And no, I don't own the humane society or all of the dogs in the world!

BUT I did work with a client once who is a K9 trainer who helps medics around the world care for the dogs who are on the job. Think guys jumping out of helicopters and landing on jet skis - she helps those types of handlers! Her training has helped to save countless animals, and as we worked on growing her business she was able to help even more dogs and people. When I was working with her awhile back, the realization set in that I was actually helping to make a difference in dogs' lives. It was a cool realization.

Throughout my childhood, whenever I felt "sad" I would think of going "home", which to me was palm trees, sunshine and the ocean. I'm not sure where this came from, but it was there. Like a knowing.

And being able to manifest something like that - that was such a big dream for me - has truly become my purpose - showing others we absolutely can be, do and have anything in life! We truly are limitless!

So what gets in the way?

Well a couple of things.

I do remember dating someone once and I shared with his parents that I wanted to help animals. I was pretty much shamed because they said there were so many people to help and why would I help animals instead?


Insert doubt. I pretty much felt like a bad person for wanting to do that.

How often do we listen to other people and then talk ourselves right out of something as a result?

Don't get me wrong, feedback and validation are important, but not when it works against our dreams! Not when it talks us out of going after what lies in our hearts.

Our desires are given to us for a reason. It's how we know what our purpose is.

Most people spend tons of time and money trying to figure out their purpose, but we already have the answer inside of us if we would listen. It's our heart's desires, it's what makes us happy and what brings us joy. All we need to do is follow that and let it the rest unfold.

Which brings me to another reason people don't follow their dreams. They can't see "how" their dreams will happen and so they give up. This is one of the biggest areas to let go of in order to use the law of attraction to manifest our dreams and desires. It's not up to us! Look at the K9 medic story! I never could have dreamt that up in a million years!

Which leads me to it being okay to course correct. Our childhood and adulthood desires might look a little different, and that's okay.

I remember a friend saying to me once that I didn't actually make it to Malibu, but I was close! At least that's how I heard her say it anyway.

If we're being that knit picky we've lost sight of the whole thing. The dream was palm trees and the ocean in California, to which I achieved. I consciously chose which area I wanted to be in after living in California for 4 years. We visited San Diego a few times and absolutely loved it and the more laid-back lifestyle. It's what worked for us (insert also thinking about husbands and kids too - which I definitely didn't have at 8 years old;-)

It's absolutely okay to course correct and adapt your dreams as you go. I never would have thought I would be paid to be a speaker or start a second business in real estate investing when I first started my entrepreneurial efforts!

If we're shown the entire picture all at once it would be wayyy too overwhelming to bring to fruition anyway. But if we keep saying yes, one step at a time, to what brings us joy and what we're interested in, we will always be on track with creating a happy and purposeful life!

We just have to go for it!


P.S. I don't know about you, but I have been so tired these last few days. I think something to do with a full moon?? Anyway, as I was sitting down to write this article it felt like pulling teeth. I didn't know how I was going to do it. But as I got started, I was reenergised writing about this topic. I got so excited writing about manifesting our dreams that I got a total energy burst! Another sure sign that we're on track with doing what we love ?

Chris Atley is an award winning coach, speaker and bestselling author. She has been featured on various media outlets such as Bloomberg Radio, Fox, ABC and the Manhattan Neighborhood Network.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

You Control Your Destiny

As all the organs and limbs form your body, and your body, your life, you, are a whole unit built by parts, so is Destiny a whole unit built by the parts which are the Seven Powers which also control our life. Unhealthy Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Laziness, Anger, Envy, Pride.

Every event in your life can be dealt with in different ways, ways that you can choose; to run or stay, to cower or stand strong, to steal or be honest, to defend or attack, to lie or tell the truth, each moment of your life in which you have to make a choice, Destiny is right there, to determine the direction your life will take from that moment onward based on your decision and action.

Destiny is not fixed, it is as fluid as the weather, changing at any moment, and you are the master of your destiny, you just don't know it.

In fact, you do not want to know that you are the master, because the responsibility is too great, the challenge too difficult.

With every choice you have to make, even if you think you do not have a choice, if you reflect on your past, you will see that you had a choice, you probably just didn't like the choice you knew was right.

Gravity is a power of this planet and universe. It keeps everything down to the ground. It also keeps the moon in orbit around the earth and the planets in orbit around the sun. It is always drawing everything to the lowest point.

In the same way, the powers draw your life and thoughts to their lowest point. For the powers are our weaknesses, imposed on us to keep us in the often messed up human condition, the weaknesses, self-centredness and evil nature that is part of being human.

The energy that we are, which some people call the soul, but I call 'my conscience', or 'better judgment' or is commonly referred to as 'common sense' a rare commodity in the human race, is the true nature of what we are.

The battle is between the powers which are our negative qualities, keeping us down to our lowest level which is the human ego, and, our essential energy which is light. Not light just in the sense of brightness, but of weight, light and weightless, not subject to gravity.

When an event happens, and you make your choice, Destiny reevaluates if you made an unpredictable choice, and re-determines your future.

If you made a bad financial choice, Greed and Wrath will grow with regret. If you made a good choice and made a lot of money, Pride takes over, which may give rise to more Envy of others. As your taste of success propels you to recognition, you may become jealous and envious of other people who get recognition as your desire for more grows, having tasted it.

With every decision you make, good or bad, one or more of the powers will rise or diminish in you, and with that, Destiny will turn your life in another direction.

By watching out for the Seven powers that control us, as the events of the day happen, being aware as those emotions and feelings arise in your mind, and choosing to act in a positive way, more humble or honest, supportive way, you can turn your destiny in yet a different direction.

You have the power to control your destiny in this way. The immediate outcome may not be what you want, it may not be good in the sense of your financial or love life, but Destiny is a plan for the rest of your life, until you change it again, so the immediate events are virtually irrelevant.

This is what you must keep in mind with every word and action, especially with the big things that go wrong, by seeing what direction they are taking you, to the seven powers or to the light and overcoming their negative manipulations.

Everyone knows that you do not take any material possessions when you die, but you do take your character. At your funeral, the number of people who mourn your death will be in proportion to your character, not your wealth if that was acquired by an asshole character. Instead of burying you with your gold and property, they will just write you a check to take with you to the grave.

Always remember that in the face of disaster, Destiny will make a new plan for your life based on your reaction. Bitter regrets and a desire for revenge or becoming depressed and hopeless will make one plan, but accepting the situation of your life as it is at that moment, as if you are just born that day with no past, facing it with courage and strength, will force Destiny to give you new ideas and creativity, new opportunities to rebuild, start over and become a better person.

You are master of your Destiny, like it or not, believe it or not. You can test the truth of this statement if you simply recall the past big events in your life, how you reacted and how that effected you for days or months after, and how that reaction determined your following actions. Did you push people away with negativity and anger, or did you inspire people with your courage and ability to dust yourself off and start again.

Just think about your past, and learn about people who have failed, or succeeded, and learn from their reactions, was it strength of character or did it build a massive ego.

Now you can decided, are you going to control your destiny from today onwards and defy gravity, let your essence rise up, or let gravity bring you emotionally down, with your life like a leaf blowing in the wind, letting the wind of destiny take you where it and the seven powers want you to go.

David Samuel is The Entrepreneur Monk, applying his understanding of the mind and emotions in business, relationships and personal growth.
Your mind makes you a success or failure, business skill is only a small part.
David resolved the riddle of why we do what is bad for us yet do not do what we know is beneficial and teaches that very effectively.
Read more about David
Have No Regrets, Look Forward