Friday, June 26, 2020

What Is A Worthy Goal, Anyway?

"Change is inevitable, but personal growth is a choice."

You have a tremendous amount of creative potential - and the truth is, there is no-one alive who can even guess at what you, as an individual, are capable of achieving.

So, if this is the case, why do so few people actually achieve anything of any significance in life?

Why is it that only 2-4% of all the people who go through our educational system become successful in their chosen field?

Well, there are many reasons, but one of the most significant reasons is that the vast majority of people never even aim for success, because we have become so conditioned, by our upbringing and our surroundings, into believing we have to know HOW to achieve something before we even seriously consider it.

So most people never even get as far as making it their goal to be successful.

The Wright brothers didn't know how they were going to make a plane fly when they first made it their goal in life. Edison tried over 10,000 times to invent a working lightbulb - he had no idea how he was going to do it until he made it his goal and started working towards it.

And yet, for most people, their dreams never even become a serious consideration because they don't know how they'd do it.

Instead, they settle for mediocre goals - goals they think they can probably achieve rather than the things they really, desperately want to be, do or have in life, often because of fear of disappointment.

A true goal - a WORTHY goal must come from within. A true goal's purpose is to cause you to grow - it causes you to draw from a part of you you didn't even know existed.

Do you have a C-Type Goal?

In Thinking Into Results, we focus on 3 types of goal: A-, B- and C-Type goals.

An A-Type goal is something you already know how to achieve.

Maybe you ran the London Marathon last year and you've decided to make it your goal again for this year.

That's not a worthy goal because it's something you've already done once - you know you can do it and you know how. There is no personal growth needed to achieve an A-Type goal.

A B-Type goal is what most people progress to after an A-Type goal.

A B-Type goal is something you think you can probably achieve if a number of factors you're expecting fall into place. Businesses set these kinds of goals all the time - a 10% increase in sales, a 5% increase in net profits...

They create a detailed, meticulous plan for how it will happen and call this their goal.

But the truth is there is no motivation - no inspiration - in A or B-Type goals. There's no skin in the game. It's a safe bet.

What's the worst that will happen if these goals aren't achieved? Usually nothing - 'we'll just try again next year'.

What do you really, really want?

But a C-Type goal is your 'wants'. This is the thing or things you really, really want in life. If you could be, do or have absolutely anything, without restriction, what would that be?

And yes, it starts of as a fantasy. Every achievement of any note has started life as a fantasy and you won't know how you're going to do it when you first start out - that's the point.

Because it's the personal growth that takes place within you while you're finding out how to achieve it that makes this a true goal.

It's what makes this a goal worthy of you trading your time, energy and money for - trading your life for.

If you're going to spend your days working towards something, make that 'thing' worthy of you.

Imagine what your life would look like, what each day would look like, in a life you'd designed. Visualise yourself living it. Imagine how you'll feel once you've achieved it.

This is the first step to setting and achieving your own Worthy Goal.

Emma Hague is a Thinking Into Results Facilitator, working with Bob Proctor and the Proctor Gallagher Institute to mentor individuals, businesses and teams to create the life they want and fulfil their dreams. Book an honest, exciting, no-obligation chat with Emma about your goals - your dreams - at,-Anyway?&id=10075462

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