Saturday, June 13, 2020

How To Live Your Full Potential Every Day

Many people, who seek assistance to improve their lives reveal fear is one of the most prominent reason. Fear oftentimes leads to regrets. In fact, regrets can be carried from previous incarnations along with other feelings that weren't resolved.
Regret is the final hurdle that people need to resolve after fear. Transforming or Transmuting any regrets will bring a new perspective, including regrets from previous incarnations.
Even when I've helped people to get past the fear, there were some who still didn't live the life they deserve. The reason is they're living in regret about something either in this incarnation or previous incarnations.
"Shoulda done this sooner."
"Woulda done this differently."
"Coulda done this better."
What are your shoulda, woulda, coulda regrets?
When you hear those words in your head or you say them out loud, you're living in regret. Dwelling in it means you are holding yourself back from the brightness in your life that wants to shine through.
It's like closing the blinds on the beautiful sunshine, while you lament missing today's sunrise.
Regret keeps you living in the past. It stops you from standing in your full power at the moment.
This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life. You have the power to make new choices. And you deserve to have all the opportunities those new choices will bring.
When you find yourself living in regret, recognize it as an opportunity to take action and make a different decision, so that the next moment brings you closer to the health, wealth and opportunities you desire and deserve.
Three tips to eliminate the shoulda, woulda, coulda:
Ask yourself if this is reality or an emotional response. Both are equally valid and important to access. If it's reality, examine the situation and consider each step you took on the path that brought you to this regret. How can you avoid taking the same steps in the future? If it's emotional, dig in and figure out which emotions are being triggered and how they are impacting you.
Ask someone to help you find a new perspective. When you are in the middle of a tough situation, particularly an emotional one, it's difficult to see other options. Napoleon Hill said, "Out of every adversity comes a seed of equal or greater benefit." When you're standing in front of a tree with your nose against the bark, you can't see anything else. If you have someone who can pull you back, only a little bit, a new perspective will reveal a whole forest of possibilities.
Take action. Once you have uncovered your regret, how you got there and what's driving the emotion that's causing you pain; and you have a new perspective that allows you to make a new choice in your life; it's time to take action. What steps can you take to turn the adversity of regret into your seed of greater benefit? Outline your steps and then take that first one!
When you take the steps above to turn your regret into positive action, you will start living a bigger and bolder life. That means you will face change, which can be uncomfortable for a while. However, in the final analysis it is well worth the effort.
This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life.
Are you willing to take the steps required to claim your happiness, success, fulfillment, and empowerment? Will you take advantage of the opportunity to create a new reality for your life?
It's time to SHIFT and get prepared for what's coming up for your life... so I want you to put your heart and soul into paying close attention to how much mental, emotional and physical pain you are in. Then, step by step you can make the transformation gently, easily, and without having to deal with the mental and emotional pain and stress of not knowing what to do, not feeling your best, and all the other OLD WAYS that are holding you back. You might need to ask for assistance to clear out the self-doubt, fear, guilt, shame or unworthiness.
This is an investment in your health, happiness, success, fulfillment, and empowerment. Following the principles in this process will change your life forever and I want you to experience it yourself as soon as possible. Remember only you can take care of your happiness and mental, emotional, physical health and professional success.
You can do it! Call me if you need assistance to transmute any symptoms no matter how dire, how long you have struggled or other things you have done.
Henry Ford, who created the Model T automobile in 1908 and went on to develop the assembly line mode of production, which revolutionized the automotive industry stated, "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't you are right."
For your convenience, I offer a 20-minute *FREE* no-obligation phone conversation to answer your questions and discuss how you can discover and create personal and professional success. And you will receive value in the 20-minute conversation.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author, and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's thoughts and feelings.

Friday, June 12, 2020

We All Love To Win, But, Who Loves To Train? (Down Time, Up Time, Between Times)

We all love when the action is going well, and we are genuinely doing something productive. When things are not so active and we have to train for the next time we are in the action and get to when the action is going well, What then?
That is what this article addresses.
In reality, there are the conditions of up, down and sideways or in-between backward or forward. In short, there are all directions. If we really want to gain something out of reality, we must love the training process as well as the fulfilling end or it means nothing except empty effort like a job we hate, yet make a living at.
So, think for a moment in an awake way: What do I want to do in life that I love the process and end of?
Recently, I thought this way about my life and had the chance to think about it all deeply. Especially in this "Corona Virus time of semi-enforced isolation and social distancing", I have had the chance to do some deep work on myself. Also, I do not look on being generally alone at times as a negative thing. This time of "lockdown" has actually been very positive. This time has even enriched and bettered my understanding of myself. When done right, though, is that not what all training and preparation that is proper does though? Is that not a reality for all who love the process as well as the results?
Personally to the last two questions, I can genuinely say yes. Although most people who make livings at jobs they do not like or even care for except for the paycheck and "getting by" say an unconscious "no" with a depressed and subliminal shrug that does not seem to care about what happens with their goals, realities or genuine desires. Indeed, though, everyone knows the reality of the situation whatever the answer, some admit it deeply, some want to do the "forget it" in a shallow way, but, all have to admit: Without the work, without the things we have to do, we do not get what we want even in a small way. Those who are more conscious want to enjoy the process of the work as well as getting what is wanted, and the fully conscious want it all to be desirable, enjoyable and meaningful to themselves understanding that when reality works, it works at all levels harmoniously in downtime, uptime, and between times. Consciousness is a choice to take a road in reality mostly, not a given static condition in any way. Indeed, the blessing of consciousness is the choice to take a desirable action instead of taking what is given or doled out "naturally" or "taking what is given without your desire or control."
After all, in the senses I am mentioning, determining for yourself what you desire and what action to take is the essence of freedom and success, nothing else is better in that sense.
My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.,-But,-Who-Loves-To-Train?-(Down-Time,-Up-Time,-Between-Times)&id=10277230

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Step Into Your Life Purpose | Lisa Nichols

How To Use Your Pain To Develop Emotional Resilience

Running Away From Pain Our Entire Life
What is the cause of your emotional pain right now, if anything? Is it something deeper such as pain from a loved one contracting the Coronavirus or the uncertainty of the world we live in? I know I'm being specific here, since I'd like you to understand what is the root cause of your pain. It requires looking inward and setting aside your judgements about what you believe is taking place. Usually, our pain isn't the result of what is happening right now but a residue of the past. We tend to recycle the past into the present moment which obscures what is really taking place. Therefore, by examining our pain, we realise we've been carrying a heavy burden for so long that is has become the new norm.
What I'm referring to can be summarised by the disgraced, seven time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong, who believed his lies and was convinced he was telling the truth. In some ways we do a similar thing, where carrying emotional pain becomes entrenched in our nervous system. However, when triggered by an event or those who activate our wounds, we wonder why we are reacting to it. Unless we work with a trained therapist or take the journey into ourselves, it will become apparent we've been running away from pain our entire life.
Can you identify with this narrative in your own life? It is my experience coaching people over the years, they become aware of their wounds through their relationships. For example, we cannot hide from our pain in an intimate relationship because the other person will mirror our unresolved trauma. Pain will always find a path to our door, so we can learn what we need to at the right time. However, many people close the door to their pain because they don't want to experience difficult emotions. But I ask you: would you rather run from pain your entire life, or sit with it for the brief time it takes to experience the difficult emotions?
Painful Emotions Will Always Find A Way To Get Your Attention
You've got to use your pain and not allow it to use you. Sure, it might be unpleasant in the short term because who wants to experience anger, sadness, fear and other unpleasant emotions? But having worked through these emotions for over a decade, I assure you on the other side lies the most heartening experience of love. Difficult and painful emotions is the entrance fee we pay to experience the wholeness of our true selves. Painful emotions shine the light on our authentic self because they reveal who we really are, instead of who we believe ourselves to be. Pain can be temporary or it can last decades, and the only person who has authority over it is, you. You control the intensity of the pain, and how long it stays in your life. Neuropsychologists believe that an emotion takes 2 ½ minutes to move through our nervous system, yet many people hold on to painful emotions for decades.
This is unnecessary because dealing with pain can help to ease their suffering and live a more expanded and fulfilling life. Yes, even difficult emotions can be unexpected teachers. We needn't butt heads with them, but allow them passage through us, as eluded to in my earlier metaphor. They need to be acknowledged because hidden within the emotions are messages from your soul regarding your life's narrative. If we run from these emotions, they will find another way to get our attention. In my experience, this sometimes involves physiological pain such as an injury, back pain, neck pain or illness and disease. The emotions will find a way through the body to get your attention.
Therefore, use your pain to develop emotional resilience, instead of running away from them. Anaesthetising our pain with drugs, food, material possessions are forms of distraction that keep us from attending to what truly matters; our emotional well-being. So, invite the difficult emotions in because they will find a way back to your front door; sometimes when you least expect it. Knowing this, I'd like you to work through the questions I asked you at the beginning of the article. Now that you have the time, it would be a perfect opportunity to do the healing work to overcome your emotional wounds. Use this time at home to invest in yourself and be patient with what you experience. Pain can be a doorway into the past, bringing painful memories, or the opportunity to create a fresh canvas upon which to renew our life's purpose.
Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How To Stop Being Controlled By Your Habits, Your Fears And The Opinions Of Others

Allow Life To Show You Endless Possibilities
It's fair to say there are many things that hold us back from living an extraordinary life. We are controlled by our habits or lack of them, our fears and the opinions of others. This impacts our self-esteem and prevents us from revealing our unique gifts and talents. Yes, we all have extraordinary gifts to share, even if they are unfamiliar to you. Those who achieve extraordinary things, go on a quest to develop their talents to bring to the world. How about you? What are your exceptional talents and gifts? Are you aware of them or are you still developing those qualities?
Irrespective of where you are, life is about discovering our authentic self and living according to our highest values. Therefore, we mustn't be restricted by limiting factors as they reduce the potential to become our best selves. It is a given we will make mistakes and encounter setbacks throughout our life. But this serves a purpose, insofar as it strengthens our inner resolve and character. Think about this in your own life. What difficulties have you faced that contributed to the person you are today? What lessons did you discover through your difficulties?
What follows is how we can overcome being controlled by our habits, fears and the opinions of others. An extraordinary life is not one that resembles others, such as rock stars or Hollywood actors. It is an exceptional life established in overcoming your setbacks and challenges and discovering the essence of your core self. To live an extraordinary life needn't be as terrifying as we think. It requires setting aside our beliefs of what we deserve and allowing life to show us endless possibilities. It entails healing and transforming our former life, such as our past or unnecessary baggage we are still holding on to.
Your Habits
Many people are controlled by their habits because they choose less than optimal routines that are easy. But this comes at a price and catches up to us quicker than we expect. I don't intend to belittle your choices but highlight how we live below what we are capable of. This is my experience coaching clients for over a decade. I have seen a pattern in virtually every individual I've coached and that is: many of them are not aware of their potential because of their poor habit choices.
Therefore, we must conquer our limiting habits and move towards what is in our best interest. For example, people often say they don't feel like going to the gym to work-out. On the other hand, the successful person sets these feelings aside and shows up, irrespective of how they feel. I constantly have this dialogue with myself when I don't feel like swimming laps at my local pool or going to the gym. I observe my thoughts, thank them and still show up because I know, once I arrive, things inevitably change. The key is to not be dictated by our emotions but rely on strong habits and discipline, to live a remarkable life. It requires setting aside our fleeting emotions to focus on the long game.
Your Fears
Our fears rule our life, to the degree they impede our ability to attain happiness. I know an impressive deal about fear, since it was imprinted upon me by my well-intentioned mother growing up. She would constantly exclaim: "watch out" or "be careful" and I developed a paranoia about taking risks. Can you identify with this in your own life? Have you experienced something similar that it became a part of your life, unknowingly? In my case, I stopped taking risks because fear dominated my life. This came at a cost to my happiness because I ceased to step outside my comfort zone. I was dictated by my fears, while others refused to allow their fears to dominate them.
What I'm suggesting is, we must transform our fears, instead of allowing them to rule our life. We ought to confront them head on, since fear isn't as terrible as we think. It is the fear of fear we are most scared of and why we prefer to stay in our comfort zone. Negative emotions don't feel good, but we can still learn a lot about our darkness, if we stop running away from it. Therefore, confront your fears instead of being owned by them.
The Opinions Of Others
"Instead of worrying about what people say of you, why not spend time trying to accomplish something they will admire." - Dale Carnegie
I don't know many people that don't care about the opinions of others. I recall a well-known celebrity who moved into our neighbourhood long ago, once said to me: what other people think of me is none of my business. At the time, I didn't understand the impact of that statement until recent years. Similarly, my father rarely cared what others thought of him because he made choices that were in his family's best interests. This annoyed others, but my father didn't care because he chose the welfare of his family over the opinions of others.
We can become imprisoned to what others think of us, which doesn't matter because they are not living our life. If people pleasing makes us unhappy, we are not living according to our authentic self. So, I urge you to look within and examine why you want to conform to what others think of you? What advantage do you get pleasing others, at the expense of your own misery? There is often a deep-rooted need for others to like us, but this comes at a cost to our self-esteem and self-worth. Eventually, we must conquer this limiting behaviour and make choices that benefit our future. When we stop being controlled by our habits, our fears and the opinions of others, we are no longer imprisoned by something external to us.
Do you want to lead a remarkable life? Are you committed to taking action despite your fears and doubts? If so, download your FREE copy of my eBook NAVIGATE LIFE right now, and start your amazing journey of greatness today!