Saturday, July 25, 2020

Noticing Positives

We are living in a world that can be scary and full of unknowns. Never before has there been anything exactly like the COVID-19 pandemic that has been terrorizing the entire world. Governments have followed recommendations of researchers and health experts in ways that have changed our entire lifestyles. At the same time, however, I have noticed that there are many, many positives that are occurring every day.

Following are some of the things that people tell me they have been enjoying:

Time - Being required to respect physical distancing and working from home for those who can, has allowed us much more time to pursue interests. Instead of having to attend meetings or appointments and drive children to events we can pursue other personal interests. Many people are investing the extra hours saved in hobbies, learning a language, reading, or exercising.

Money - A large portion of the population have less money coming into the household but those who are on fixed incomes have told me that they are spending less than they did previously. Some of this, of course, is because businesses such as beauty shops and retail outlets are closed but being at home also means that there seems to be less interest in spending money. The government has been trying to fill the gaps with financial programs and we are also watching the stock market with the hope that it will rebound over time. It seems that everything we were used to has shifted.

Skills - Being at home provides more opportunities to learn and use skills. Many family members are cooking and baking, renovating, starting seedings, doing their own hair or sewing - practical skills that our ancestors used for everyday survival. Before the pandemic our busy schedules often would encourage us to turn to others to do the things that we are now doing ourselves.

Relationships - More time with those who live in your home can be positive - a time to communicate and share activities. Fortunately, we have social media sites and technology that allow us to stay close to loved ones who are living at a distance. Close proximity can also be stressful though and it is therefore important to schedule "alone" time.

Reflection - Facing difficulties can led to assessment and realignment of values. When we are in isolated situations, we begin to think about what is really important in life. Most recently the ideas of health and loved ones top the list.

I know that there are many challenges that have been brought on by the pandemic. One of the most serious is that we do not have any clear idea about exactly how it will affect us and when it will end. It is therefore very important to drastically limit the input from television and internet as these can significantly increase stress. Instead focus on the things that you can do that will make today and your future more satisfying.

And remember to laugh as often as possible for laughter is good for the soul!

And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to a complimentary list of 10 Steps to Making Your Life an Adventure when you visit

Friday, July 24, 2020

Why Is Fear A Powerful Manifestor?

In order for someone to experience/attain something, it won't just be a case of them having the right thoughts; they will also need to have the right feelings and to behave in a certain way. What this comes down to is that their thoughts are just one part of the equation.

This might be hard for them to accept if they have been following the law of attraction teachings. If they have, they will most likely believe that it is purely about having the 'right' thoughts.

The Law of Resonance

Not only will their thoughts just be a small part of it, but they are also not going to be attracting anything into their life. In reality, they will be getting themselves in sync with what they desire so that what they desire shows up.

It could then seem as though they are 'attracting' what they desire, but they will be becoming an energetic match. Once they are resonating at the same frequency as what they desire, it will appear in their life.

Two Levels

Their being will embody the same frequency as what it is that they want, which is why it will show up. If their being was in a place of needing or wanting something, it would cause them to have experiences that mirror back where they are at.

And while they can consciously create the 'right feelings, it doesn't mean that this will be enough. The reason for this is that at a deeper level - in their conscious mind - they could have feelings that are not right.

An Important Task

Therefore, for them to experience life in a certain way, they will need to consciously create the right feelings, take inspired action, and to heal their inner wounds. When it comes to healing their inner wounds, this will be a lifelong process and not something that will be done in one weekend.

Still, the more 'baggage' that they clean up, the easier it is likely to be for them to experience life in a certain way. This is because there will be less conflict inside them and it will be easier for them to experience certain feelings.

The Power of Focus

When it comes to gaining a deeper understanding of why it is so important to have the right feelings and to experience these on a consistent basis, taking a closer look at fear will help. What someone may find, that's if they were to reflect on their life, is that they have often attracted what they have feared.

The question is: why is fear such a powerful manifestor? Firstly, when someone experiences fear, they will be consumed by one feeling/instinct and they will experience this fear on a regular basis, and secondly, they will have complete certainty that what they fear will take place.

Final Thoughts

Or to be more accurate, when they experience fear, it can be as though what they fear is real and not just a creation of their mind. If someone was to experience 'positive' feelings in the same way that they experience fear, and these feelings defined how they behaved, it might not be long until the external world mirrors back how they feel.

That is, of course, if they believe that they deserve to experience/attain what it is that they desire. To put this part in the right order: the first part will be for them to believe that something is possible and the second part will be for them to believe that they deserve it.

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How To Stay Humble

Earlier on, whilst I was out shopping, I saw an image of a famous athlete with the words "stay humble" written on it. This is someone who is at the top of their game and is known all over the world.

It is clear that this person realises how important it is for them to keep their feet on the ground and not to let their current level of success go to their head. They are likely to know that even though they are the top right now, they could fall right to the bottom in a matter of seconds.

A Number of Ways

While I can't say for certain how this person stays humble, it is possible that they focus on where they have come from and how easy it would be for them to lose it all. Additionally, they may have a number of people around them that help them to keep their feet on the ground.

Still, even though this is so, it doesn't mean that there won't be moments when their current position ends up going to their head. If this does happen, it could be said that it is not much of a surprise, considering how successful they are and how so many people are likely to treat them like a god.

A Good Approach

Let's say that this person does focus on where they have come from and how easy it would be for them to lose it all; this is something that the average person can also do to stay humble. Having people in their life who don't get caught up in what they have achieved will also help.

What they could also do is to imagine that they are around someone who is full of themselves and to think about what it is like to be around someone like this. They are likely to find that there is nothing appealing about this person.

Going Deeper

The question is why would someone become full of themselves if they are successful in one area of their life or a number of areas? One way of looking at this would be to say that the reason this happens is because they have merged with their ego.

This is the part of them that basically allows them to have their own experience on this planet. Without this, it wouldn't be possible for them to have their own life and therefore, to fulfil their purpose for being here.

The Challenge

But although this part causes them to believe that they are separate from everyone and everything, it is nothing more than an illusion. When this is understood, they won't fully buy into the illusion that their ego creates.

However, if one is unaware of this, it will be normal for them to see themselves as being better or superior to others - or worse or inferior. The part of them that will allow them to see that they are no better or worse than others, their true-self, will have been pushed aside, with their ego taking over.

Final Thoughts

Taking this into account, the way for someone to stay humble will be for them to be mindful of when they get caught up in their ego. If this does happen, and they start to see the world through their egos dual nature, they can take a step back and acknowledge what has taken place.

There is then no need for them to shame or blame themselves; they are just becoming aware of what has taken place. What will most likely help with this process is for one to meditate as this will allow them to develop their observer self.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, three hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behavior, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Four Steps to Success

In my private counseling practice, clients often tell me, "I want to be happy!" We then set about making it a reality. As a psychotherapist, I know that Your habits, your relationships, your environment, and especially what you think about them determine more about how happy you are than your genes do; because I've watched so many people figure out how to meet their goals and create their own happiness. You can improve any part of your life you wish: your relationship with yourself, your relationships with others, your work life, your home life, and even your health. The following steps will help you reach any goal you set for yourself.

Four Steps to Success

(1) Choose the goal.

(2) Break it down into small, non-intimidating steps.

(3) Do something. (If you can't get yourself to do it, you haven't made the steps small or easy enough-go back to step 2.)

(4) Celebrate what you've done (yes, every little step).

For example, suppose you're interested in bringing more physical activity and music into your life, and choose a folk-dancing class. Break the goal down into manageable steps: (1) Call around to find out what classes are available; (2) choose a class to attend; (3) enroll in the class; (4) go to the first class meeting; (5) evaluate the class as to whether it's a good one for your purposes.

Those steps may seem simplistic, but that's the idea. Make it as easy as possible to do each step. That way you won't be discouraged by "I can't" before you start.

Breaking your goal down into the smallest possible steps makes it easier to accomplish the next phase: Do something. Many of us know how to set goals, but not how to achieve them, so we've "proved" to ourselves over and over that we're failures. That's not true at all. The failure lies in not having completed the rest of the Four Steps to Success.

You've just made the third step to your goal as simple as possible, so there are no reasons not to take it. Go ahead, and focus on the third step only: Do something.

After you've taken the third step, celebrate. Recognition of what you've accomplished is important. It also helps to celebrate each step you take toward your goal as you take it. This way you won't run out of energy before you achieve success, and you'll keep encouraging yourself as you proceed.

Your celebration can be just looking into your mirror and saying, "Congratulations, you've just made the first (second, third) step toward achieving your goal" Or your celebration can be more elaborate, such as toasting your accomplishment with a friend or two. It can even be a major party. The important thing is that you do something to make sure you notice you've had some success, however small. It is this celebration that will give you the courage and confidence to go on all the way in achieving your goal.

As you achieve your goal, go back to the Four Steps and choose a new goal; then follow the steps through again. Repeat this until you've created or achieved what you want.