Saturday, September 26, 2020

How to Keep Things in Perspective

Do petty things bother and stress you? How about the bigger things? What can you do about them? Read on to find out.

Things like your child not having done homework or losing a duplicate key of your car may disturb you immensely. Keep them in a certain perspective that you will return to and handle them in the right way. Once you have done that, flow along during the day with cheerfulness at work.

How about the bigger things like your wife falling sick or the roof of your home having a bad leak? These things will have to be dealt with also. Take preliminary actions like taking your wife to the doctor or contacting a plumber to come and take a look at the roof leak. You cannot let these things ruin your whole day. You have taken action, and so rest in peace. The solutions are on the way, and you keep them in perspective, which may be easier said than done.

But try it - you may even share with a colleague at work and gradually focus on your work tasks for a good many hours and then take a leave an hour earlier to commit to your problems and make them look better for you.

The wife may be feeling better after an afternoon nap. The plumber will have looked at the leak and accordingly, he would tell you how much he would charge for fixing it. These are some of the ways to work out problems - big or small without taking in stress or pressure.

It may not always be your perspective that you have to rely on because if friends, colleagues or loved ones provide better perspectives, you are free to share those.

Your children are always clashing, arguing and fighting with each other while they are at home. Your wife suggests to buy them individual tablets and then by browsing over the web, they can be busy learning new stuff. It's her perspective but a good one that you cannot ignore in the modern day.

You will research on the web about children's tablets and if you find them at reasonable rates, yes, one of these days, you will buy them to stop and put an end to sibling rivalry.

Another instance could be an argument with your wife for using her car and for not refilling it with gas. It goes on for many days. You go grumpy to the office, and a kind colleague asks your problem. You confess to him everything. Well, your colleague helps you to understand that since you are borrowing your wife's car for errands, it is rightful of her to expect her car's gas tank to be refilled if you are the last person to use it for the day.

It is your colleague's perspective but can be an eye-opener for you. You understand how selfish you have been and would like to borrow your colleague's solution and apologize to your wife and make it a point that if you are the last person to use your wife's car for the day, you will definitely refill her gas tank. Peace prevails in the family.

Summing up, this is how you can deal with big or small matters keeping them in definite perspectives. They may be your own or shared by the good people in your life. Gotcha?

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