Our personal beliefs form the internal and external context of our lives. Beliefs are perhaps the most powerful force in the world. On a global scale, belief systems cause cultures to draw boundaries, ideologies to clash, and wars to be fought. On a personal level, what we believe to be true about ourselves and the world around us appears in our lives as our lives. To realize a change in our lives we must first change our beliefs, which is possible when we change the point of origination where the power of our beliefs manifests into our life, i.e. at the subconscious.
In my book, The Hidden Truth, I provided compelling evidence that nothing exists outside of a universal consciousness. This universal consciousness has an equivalence with light and energy, and we showed mathematically how everything in existence, both seen (i.e. mass) and unseen, is nothing but some form of that energy; a connected, flowing, unending, indestructible energy. Because the universal consciousness is also the universal energy and you are part of that consciousness, you can thus also tap into and use that universal energy as needed in your life. In fact, this happens whether you realize it or not because your subconscious is your connection to the universal consciousness and ensures you remain within a functioning representation of physical reality and thus remain focused on that physical reality as it unfolds into the life experiences you perceive everyday.
On a day-to-day basis, most Westerners don't think of or commune with our subconscious. However, when we realize the power that our subconscious has over the life that we live, we have no excuse for being dissatisfied with our life if we do not engage with the one means we have at our disposal to make a change in our lives for the better.
Think of the subconscious in very simplistic terms as a computer program. The subconscious runs routines in the background to create a life experience that meets the expectations of our beliefs. Thus, if you live your life with a closed mind and are not willing to examine or change your own beliefs, then you are stuck in the life you've got; like it or not.
The prototypical example is the comparison between an optimist and a pessimist. An optimist believes where there's a will there's a way, and with sufficient effort and persistence any challenge can be overcome. To a pessimist, nothing good comes from the world so why try. These are self-fulfilling prophesies because every life has challenges, thus proving the point of the pessimist, and every challenge will be overcome unto the point of our death, thus proving the point of the optimist. However, the strength of the underlying beliefs influences the frequency of perceived challenges and successes. Of further import however, the positive beliefs of an optimist provide an underlying strength for the optimist to seek improvement and solutions in his/her life, thus providing the optimist an edge on life.
Now, this was the simplest example of manifestation but does not explain how to implement change so you can benefit from the exercise of modified beliefs. There are three simple means everyone can utilize to take charge of the beliefs that rule their life and then change those beliefs to realize an improvement.
The first is through positive assertions. These can be statements, verbal or nonverbal (such as visualization boards or written assertions), that assert something will occur in your life. Persistence and belief is the key, followed by actions whenever possible to bring the assertion into your life. To help solidify the manifestation, whenever possible one should act as if the assertion has already been received and give thanks to God/Universal Consciousness for hearing and fulfilling your request. I and many others have written on this topic, so please refer to my many other articles in this blog for a more in-depth discussion on this point.
The second is through meditation. By meditating and silencing your conscious mind's incessant chatter inside your head, you allow your subconscious to come forward and instill inspiration - and even other-worldly experiences of communing with the Oneness - such that you realize how to overcome any life challenges that you may be facing. I wrote on this topic at length in my blog article, 'Receiving the Gift of Inspiration at Will.'
The subconscious can only bridge the brain-mind gap and commune with your conscious mind when your brain waves have been slowed (i.e. quieted) so that the frequencies of both match, and your brain thus becomes a working receiver, much like tuning a radio. When your conscious mind is active, talking and thinking, its frequencies are not compatible for communion with the subconscious. This doesn't mean the subconscious is inactive. No; your subconscious is constantly working in the background to keep your conscious mind firmly locked in and focused on physical reality. But if your intention is to commune with and influence how your subconscious works to create the experiences you will perceive in physical reality, then you have to modify your conscious mind's wavelengths to match the subconscious so they can share information across the brain-mind gap.
If meditation is too much trouble to accomplish the frequency match, the third means to commune with the subconscious is via therapeutic hypnosis. Hypnosis is not magic and indeed you don't even need another person to put yourself into a hypnotic state. Hypnosis is simply directed concentration coupled with deep relaxation and is a natural state of mind that everyone experiences a few times a day, such as when transitioning to and from sleep or even when daydreaming. The benefit of using a trained hypno-therapist to realize a specific goal is the therapist can help you accomplish the feat of entering the hypnotic state-of-mind more efficiently, and then lead the conversation with your subconscious for which your conscious mind intended. Amazing feats have been achieved through guided hypnotherapy to affect change in one's life using no other power than the power that the subconscious taps into to create the reality in which we live. Examples include loss of weight, the power to quit smoking, developing self confidence, and amazing health benefits such as overcoming chronic pain and even inexplicable cures from some of life's most devastating diseases like cancer.
Hypnotherapy is not a cure-all for life's ailments because some problems are intentional additions by our Over-Soul to introduce challenges into our life that we must face for some life purpose. Further, a single hypnotherapy session may not be enough to realize a permanent change in one's life because, again, you will manifest the life experiences that you believe you deserve. If you don't believe in the power of hypnotherapy then any temporary improvement from the session that is followed by a relapse will simply become another self-fulfilling prophesy. However, this doesn't mean that you can't change your beliefs and realize lasting improvements with multiple hypnotherapy sessions, but there must be an intention and real desire to change - through whichever means you use to effect change in your beliefs and subconscious - if lasting changes are ever to be realized in your life.
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