Sunday, September 6, 2020

How Are You Influenced and Motivated?

 Negative motivators are those influences that drive us to certain and specific actions; based on a fear of some kind and maybe dislike of a certain outcome. The negative motivator may even be related an apprehension around the result; of the outcome which our inaction, or failure to undertake a specific task or fulfill an obligation; generates.

Positive motivators on the others side of the equation are those influencers which hold a desirable image, emotion or effect in our minds or habit nature.

These are interactions we know that, when completed successfully will add value to the quality of our lives, may even enhance our current situations, bring about a wonderful effect to our circumstances, or even progress us in one way or another.

These positive motivators also are borne of the understanding that when completed they will bring a better harmony, a peaceful effect to the environment, workplace or home... where we find ourselves investing in productive endeavor.

Know What Effects The Difference

The primary difference between how we perceive the difference between the two motivator categories is our freedom of choice.

Where we have negative experiences manifesting from specific actions such as, a loss, being reprimanded, receiving criticism or even a sense of discord within ourselves. We mentally and emotionally create an automatic associate between our actions and those negative connotations; and therefore, the outcome of these effects become negative motivators.

In this regard there may even be certain actions or undertakings that we really enjoyed doing; however, after repeated criticism, perhaps being mocked by the uninformed, or even receiving a reprimand, we lose our enthusiasm or joy derived and we begin to categorize these as negative.

However, with positive motivators these are thoughts, ideas, desires that let us to place ourselves above the pessimistic viewpoints of the average, beyond our current reality into a state that is future focused on the benefits and abundance attached to the enthusiastic completion of said action.

What we begin to understand is that in fact the primary difference between the two motivator categories is that it is actually our own personal approach to the specific action: our perception, our energy, our enthusiasm, our thoughts, our feelings... OUR ATTITUDE; which will decide the key differences between how the two opposite motivators influence and affect us moving forward.

A fundamental understanding that we need to resonate with, a key success minded attitude we need to adopt is: knowing that everything we do, every action we take, every thought we allow to enter our minds has the capacity to take us closer towards our desired outcomes or take us further than we had previously envisaged!

Maximizing Your Potential

'Efficient Action' and 'Acting in the Certain Way' as articulated by Wallace D Wattles in his book The Science of Getting Rich, educates us in the understanding that everything has purpose and a potential attached to it, and we need to grow out of our current situation by completing everything we do in a certain way... i.e. as a positive motivator!

This may prove to be a highly challenging prospect which leads us into conflict with our existing paradigm. Nonetheless when we begin to internalize our focus on where we are and where we are progressing to, aligned with the potential we have within us waiting to be expressed, then the influences of others or the feared outcomes do not have a bearing in our applications or responsibility.

What Choices Are Making?

So, as we continue to re-assess every action as one that will grow us, we experience an emotional and mental evolution that perpetuates like effects and like results! The ongoing perpetuation of the good allows us a resilience to reject what we do not want and a continued focus on what we do want!

So, what we close with, when we are increasing our understanding of what our specific motivators are, is that our freedom of choice will in fact decide what class any future exchanges will fall into. Our freedom of choice is a phenomenal gift that is given to us free at birth, but it is also one we give up too freely and too readily!

A simple story that illustrates this is the parable of the talents as related to us in the bible [Matthew 25:14-30].

When we assess this parable, we see that the key difference in the approaches discussed.

The fear of punishment, the fear of loss, the fear of failure and the fear of reprimand led to inaction which in turn resulted in a negative result as well as the manifestation of all the fears; for the one servant. Yet, on the opposite end of the spectrum the servants that took their responsibility seriously with a positive motivator reaped their own specific rewards.

In the case of all three... they all had the potential for the same consequences and in the instance of two of them there was a risk of greater loss therefore more severe consequences.

Let us choose to take action in an efficient and certain way so that our gifts increase through action taken with positive motivation!

At invincible mind, we believe in the unlimited potential of the mind and are striving to share the life-changing effects of a renewed mind! 

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