Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Let Fear Be Your Teacher

Fear can cripple a person. Recall some of your fears that might relate to insects, heights, water, public speaking or any other fear. What happens to you physiologically when you are overcome with fear? - your heart beats faster, you experience shortness of breath, pupils dilate, palms sweat, your muscles constrict and your blood pressure is raised. These responses are hard wired into us to be alert to ensuing danger.

Sometime throughout life, this fear begins manifesting itself in other ways which is not conducive to our personal development. You might have a fear of being in social situations which require you to speak with complete strangers. Your mind assigns meaning to the encounters and drives your body into an uncontrollable spiral of emotions which you have no control over. Anxiety and panic sets in and you feel powerless over the situation. The fear has taken hold.

In these scenarios, you fuel the fear by running away from it. The fear is ignited like flames smothering you until it overpowers you. One of my early childhood fears was the fear of water. I avoided being around water for fear of drowning. I would be overcome with anxiety and trepidation until a family member accompanied me to the swimming pool during school swim training.

Whilst I managed to overcome the fear of water one summer teaching myself to swim, the fear managed to find its way back into my life later in adult life. Fear became a theme in many instances. I dismissed it and avoided the fear by not facing the situation which was causing my fear. You see, it isn't the situation that is the source of the problem. It's how you respond to it which determines the quality of life.

One day I decided I had had enough and confronted my fear with the help of others. I realized the fear was present in my life to teach me faith and courage. It was my biggest teacher, not my adversary as I once believed. I experimented with it by immersing myself with challenges I once feared. Little by little, the fear seemed to have little control over me. It was always present and will continue to be present for the rest of my life, yet I chose that day to turn the volume down on it.

The question I often ask myself when fear rears its ugly head is, "what if fear was disguised as love, how would I choose to move forward?" "what would I do differently?"You see fear teaches us the passage to courage and faith if you choose to dial into its frequency.

There is a remarkable lesson in the fear itself. For those of you reading this, no matter what your fear is: body image issues, relationships, career, finances, health or other. Choose to dial into the frequency of love which is waiting on the other side of that huge mountain which blocks your view. I assure you it's there.

You must break down the illusion of the fear -it's a transparency filter that has shades of luminosity to it, much like the one found in your graphic software programs. You choose the level of contrast. Once it's set to a lower level, you can see through the fog to the other side where love waits with open arms. So start now by facing your fears a little each time. Begin with those small fears we mentioned earlier in the article. As you grown confident, so too will your strength and resolve to overcome any obstacle, any hurdle which stops you living the life of your dreams.

If you enjoyed this article by Tony Fahkry, why not gain access to Tony's full body of knowledge by getting a copy of his new book 'The Power to Navigate Life'

The Power to Navigate Life is arguably the most complete and powerful teachings on the mastering of life. The Power to Navigate Life is your opportunity to experience a rewarding life from the very first page. Visit http://www.tonyfahkry.com to get your copy.


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